Exclusive Interview: Bonnie Langford

June 19th, 2013
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We’re thrilled to be able to bring you an exclusive interview with Classic Series star Bonnie Langford!

As followers of the Sixth and Seventh Doctors will know, the actress journeyed in the TARDIS from 1986 to 1987 and she kindly shared with us fond memories of playing the Doctor’s cheery computer programming companion Melanie Bush.

You can read our exclusive interview with Bonnie below, and a huge thanks to her for answering our questions.

Keep up to date with Bonnie via her official website and also follow her Twitter, here.

Q. Hi Bonnie! So how did your role as the Doctor’s companion come about?
I was asked by the then series producer John Nathan Turner. We met at the office and he showed me a character breakdown… of one paragraph! And that was that.

Q. Do you remember what was the public’s perception of the show was like when you joined the cast?
A. Yes.
I think it was loved but it needed a revamp.

Q. What was it about the role of Mel Bush that particularly appealed to you as an actress?
It was an interesting departure for me, although at the time I had no idea of the extent of attention that Doctor Who attracted, and still does.

Q. In terms of production, was TV ‘made’ any differently in the 80’s?
There were a lot less visual effects available. We did use quainter which was very new then, but technology has moved on so fast. We couldn’t really keep up within the budget back then.

Q. The Classic Series still has extremely loyal fans. Would you recommend your serials to the show’s modern day audience?
I guess so. I never watch them myself, but people seem to really enjoy them.

And what are your own experiences with meeting Whovians?
I have always enjoyed meeting the fans, even when they are dressed as aliens!

Q. What are your memories of working alongside the two Doctors Colin Baker and Sylvester McCoy?
The set was always jolly. Colin and Sylvester are charming on set and off.

Q. Are you a fan of the revived series?
I haven’t watched it very recently but I loved it when it first returned. The scripts, production and casting is just superb.

Q. You’ve returned to the Doctor Who universe for many audio adventures over the years, so what’s it like stepping back into Mel’s shoes in front of a microphone as opposed to in front of a camera?
I enjoy making the audios, both the adventures and reading the books. I think it allows the listener to use their own imagination and not be restricted to wobbly sets!

Q. Now that Doctor Who is in its 50th year what would you say are the main factors that have contributed to its ongoing success?
Everyone loves a good story and the limits are endless when you are travelling in time and space.

Q. Finally, how does it feel to have played a part in Doctor Who history?
I’m very privileged and proud.

Bonnie’s currently starring as Lady of the Lake in the West End production of Spamalot.

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