Colin Baker discusses female Doctor, Who success

Colin Baker has announced he would support the producer’s decision to cast the first female Doctor claiming that “there’s absolutely no reason” to be against the idea.
The actor who portrayed the Time Lord’s sixth incarnation in the 80’s responded to all the fevered speculation in a recent interview on Flicks and the City. Actresses such as Olivia Colman, Emma Watson and Sheridan Smith have been put forward for the coveted role, while Helen Mirren has said “it’s absolutely time” for a change to the tradition.
Colin admitted: “Surely the Doctor must be in touch with his feminine side to an extent?”
The former TARDIS traveller – describing the part as “a rare privilege” – also explained why he thinks the series continues to captivate 50 years on. “It’s still going because it’s very good,” he said. “It hit the ground running at the right time. It’s all about the timing. As soon as they did that very first regeneration, their precedent was set and it was off.”
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Oh wow well if Colin Baker thinks so then that’s my mind changed. Totally wont find it harder to relate to a female Doctor, no siree, definitely wont alienate me and many other male fans of the show.
Colin Baker is the Doctor, one of the 11. I think William Hartnell, Patrick Troughton and Jon Pertwee would be heart broken by the state Doctor Who has become. There is no reason why the Doctor could not be female at all, provided the right person lands the role. If anything we should not alienate the actors and crew that helped maintain Doctor Who’s progress through to the 50th anniversary. It is upsetting when original series, director, writers and producers are turning their back on the series!
How do you think the millions of female Doctor Who fans feel seeing only males take the role? I think since it can happen it should happen now and then. Worst case scenario she doesn’t work out and then we have to change the doctor back to a man with a regeneration. Especially since it will only be for like half a season it could very well be a decent test run.