Vote for the best series of NuWho… so far!

February 26th, 2015
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This poll is now closed. Thanks to everyone who voted!

Stay tuned for the results on Thursday 26th March.

20 comments on this article
  1. Mia
    February 26th, 2015 at 11.28am | #1

    Series 7 for me!

  2. JC
    February 26th, 2015 at 4.49pm | #2

    HAD to be Series 4 for me.

    Russell T. Davies and Julie Gardner in charge. David Tennant at his most settled and established as the 10th Doctor and Catherine Tate as one of the most memorable of the modern companions with a finale that featured all of the modern companions + Davros, though I know others hate it and that’s ok.

    In addition, Murray Gold was on the up, creating iconic pieces of music that I liked so much that I remembered them and their names, which has been very much in decline since Series 7. The S4 theme hasn’t been surpassed for me, Donna’s music perfectly reflected her personality and the Doctor’s Theme and Song of Freedom are also particular highlights.

    So yeah, Series 4 is easily the best series of the Revived Series, hardly had to think about it.

  3. CosmicDebris
    February 26th, 2015 at 6.49pm | #3

    Kind of a tie between 4, 5 and 8 for me. Nice to see those on the top three at the moment, though it’ll most likely change before the end.

  4. Steve
    February 26th, 2015 at 7.32pm | #4

    I agree with JC but also think for me, Season 1 is superior. Only because Chris E did such a fantastic job that the BBC were persuaded to keep going…..

  5. CosmicDebris
    February 26th, 2015 at 9.10pm | #5

    I’m really surprised there aren’t more votes for season 3. That had Blink and Human Nature/Family of Blood. You’d think it would count for something. But then, I didn’t vote for it as my favorite either, so my point is pointless. :)

  6. Patrick
    February 26th, 2015 at 9.18pm | #6

    Series 5 by a long shot the episodes were very exciting & enjoyable. The chemistry between The Doctor, Amy, Rory (and sometimes River) was fantastic.

  7. JC
    February 26th, 2015 at 10.10pm | #7

    Great to see positive comments so far.

    You have a point Steve, the 9th Doctor brought the Doctor back strongly and if anything, his performance has only been strengthened by seeing some of his immediate history in the War Doctor.

    I saw the great “Dalek” episode again the other day and with the added history of John Hurt’s Doctor, you understand much more about how he felt when he electrocuted the Dalek and also when he was standing with a massive gun about to kill it and Rose had to stop him.

  8. Mario
    February 27th, 2015 at 12.04pm | #8

    Yep, fourth season. I love fifth as well, but as JC stated, nothing beats the Tardis Family in the season finale.

  9. Jay
    February 27th, 2015 at 6.00pm | #9

    I’m amazed to see Series 3 so low. Best Doctor, Best Companion, and hardly any bad episodes. Plus, I don’t think we’ve had a more epic finale. Truly underrated.

  10. Simon
    February 27th, 2015 at 11.30pm | #10

    No Questions asked.. ITS SEASON 4 To me that will be the best of the new series. As much as I love season six season 4 wins in my book

  11. Greg Campbell
    February 28th, 2015 at 6.13pm | #11

    It would’ve been series 8 had Missy not turned out to be the Master, utterly ruined the series for me, so series 7 wins my vote.

  12. CosmicDebris
    February 28th, 2015 at 7.58pm | #12

    @Greg Campbell

    I don’t understand how Missy’s identity could ruin the whole season, especially since it was obvious from the beginning. The Master has always been such a campy villain since the 70s, Missy is actually a bit frightening for once, so good on them. Besides, we had the Master as a translucent goo snake with an American accent in the past, so, honestly, he can be anything! :P

  13. Steve
    February 28th, 2015 at 9.07pm | #13

    It’s surprising isn’t it, the best voted season is as close to the original series as they could get. The Doctor and his companion having fun and adventures…. instead of the Doctor and his love sick human pet! The 4th Doctor and Sarah summed Doctor Who Up perfectly in Pyramid of Mars –
    Sarah, “Sometimes you don’t seem hu……”
    Doctor “Human, I am not”
    It is something lost on Moffatt!!

  14. Rob
    March 1st, 2015 at 12.36pm | #14

    I love both S3 and S8, but both of them have duds, with S3 having Daleks In Manhattan, The Lazarus Experiment and Last Of The Time Lords, and S8 having Robot Of Sherwood and In The Forest Of The Night.

    So I’m definitely going to go with Series 4.

  15. The 13th Doctor
    March 1st, 2015 at 4.28pm | #15

    Loved the last series, Capaldi is so good. But I loved the second half of series 7, so will go for that.

    2 weeks and counting until I meet Ol’ Sixy, aka Colin Baker. Really excited!!
    Bring on his last story leading to his regen in BFA.

  16. Michael
    March 1st, 2015 at 6.02pm | #16

    5, 6 and 8 in that order. 2 was the worst by some distance.

  17. JC
    March 1st, 2015 at 6.06pm | #17

    It’s just about opinion really.

    For instance, I hated Series 8, but I can respect that others clearly liked it as it’s ranked third at the time of writing.

    For me, Peter Capaldi and Michelle Gomez need to do a lot more to convince me that they’re worthy of the part. It is their first Series though and I’m willing to give them time to settle into the role.

  18. CosmicDebris
    March 1st, 2015 at 7.43pm | #18


    Lost on Moffat? Are you serious? it was RTD that made him far more human with a love-sick human pet. Moffat has done wonders to depart from that, especially with Capaldi. :)

  19. Mike
    March 8th, 2015 at 6.08pm | #19

    Based sheerly on the ‘number’ of enjoyable episodes, and nothing more, then it has to be series five for me.

  20. hannah
    March 23rd, 2015 at 10.30am | #20

    Series 2 meant so much to me as a kid. Thd stories were amazing and the doctor was still kind-of unknown.the relationships and the stories were thrilling with every character main or gurst was well written and developed. Series 4 was also great with donna but the end was a bit to far fetched for me. I dont think you need mass destruction ans planets being pulled through space to make the stakes high.the only moffat series ive liked is 8 and thats because of the improvement in storylines and resolutions to episodes however there is still not enough dept to clara. I still feel like she’s just presented as the perfect lady clever, kind, brave, she has no floors except the fact this series they keep making her out to be vain which she hasnt been before… idk russle definitely was better at writing people and moffat is good at ideas but amazing when kept under control by julie.g and russle.

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