Entries from May 2010
May 31st, 2010
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

With the Series 5 finale now just a matter of weeks away (time really is flying, isn’t it?), that pesky little crack is still very much part of the Doctor and Amy’s lives, so head over to our ongoing discussion now to share your thoughts on the latest arc developments!

All through the Universe. Rips in the continuum. Some sort of… space-time cataclysm. An explosion, maybe. Big enough to put cracks in the Universe. But what?

May 31st, 2010

WhovianNet’s very own Fan of the Month for May 2010 has now been selected!

We recieved a record amount of entries this month and it’s a shame we can’t pick more than one, but rules are rules and the winner’s profile has now been posted online.

A huge thanks to all who applied. Keep ‘em peeled, because our June interview will be online imminently…

May 30th, 2010
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

Series 5 continues next weekend with an episode entitled Vincent and the Doctor, and a new trailer for the story is now airing ahead of its broadcast!

When the Doctor and Amy travel back in time, they find terror lurking in the cornfields of Provence, and only a sad and lonely painter can see it. It’s not long before our heroes join forces with Vincent Van Gogh, but do the three of them have what it takes to defeat a powerful and deadly alien? The episode is written by Richard Curtis.

Vincent and the Doctor airs Saturday 5th June at 18:40 on BBC One/HD.

May 30th, 2010

The overnight ratings for last night’s Doctor Who, Cold Blood, have been published online, and the figures reveal that the episode was watched by an unofficial audience of 5.7million.

With 5.4million watching on BBC1, and an additional 0.3million tuning in in HD, Doctor Who was the third most watched programme of the day, with a 27.2% share of the total viewing audience. It was beaten in the ratings by Britain’s Got Talent and the Eurovision Song Contest.

Meanwhile, 0.4million (1.8%) watched its accompanying Confidential, What Goes On Tour, on BBC3. Official figures will be released by BARB soon.

What did you think of Cold Blood? Dissect the episode in our discussion.

May 29th, 2010
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

It’s the most important day in the history of Earth: the dawn of a new age of harmony or the start of its final war. The Doctor must face his most difficult challenge yet, in a battle in which he cannot take sides, and on a day when nobody must die…

Now that we’re over the halfway mark of the series (already!?), things were inevitably going to take a turn for the worse, and in tonight’s episode, our heroes faced their darkest day yet, finding themselves at the forefront of an epic battle for Planet Earth…

In the conclusion to Chris Chibnall’s long-awaited Silurian two-parter, there was plenty of good old-fashioned drama, action and heartache (oh, so much heartache!) on the menu, as the human race faced the dawn of a new age of harmony, or the start of their final war. As if all of that wasn’t enough to discuss, we were also given more tantalizing teases as that pesky little crack returned, and there were yet more jaw-dropping twists and turns adding another bundle of cogs to the ever-growing finale wheel of speculation.

What did YOU think of Cold Blood? It’s time to share your thoughts and dissect the adventure for yourselves, so have your say today by posting your reactions in a comment on this article. As always, you can also give the episode a star rating out of 5.

May 29th, 2010
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

Terror lurks in the cornfields of Provence, but only a sad and lonely painter can see it… and that lonely painter just so happens to be none other than Vincent Van Gogh, who the Doctor and Amy are set to encounter when Series 5 continues next week!

In an episode appropriately titled Vincent and the Doctor, our heroes find themselves shoulder to shoulder with a deadly alien, but does even our beloved Time Lord have what it takes to save the day?

The episode, written by Richard Curtis (Love Actually/The Vicar of Dibley) airs Saturday June 5th at 18:40 on BBC1/HD.

May 29th, 2010

We’re now just one week away from the long-awaited release of the first instalment of the brand new Adventure Games, City of the Daleks, and as such, the official site has today posted an update from one of its executive producers, Charles Cecil.

In the blog, he gives us the last minute lowdown, describing the visual aspects of the game as “stunning”, and he also offers some teasers for the three remaining episodes. Not long now!

May 29th, 2010
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

It’s just turned midnight, which means it’s now officially Saturday, or, as we like to call it, Doctor Who Day!

The last time we saw them, the Doctor and Nasreen had just discovered a whole civilisation of Silurians living under the Earth, Amy was about to be dissected, and Rory, Ambrose and Tony were keeping their beady eyes on Alaya - no pressure then! Tonight, the cliffhanger will be resolved and the Doctor will face his toughest challenge yet, finding himself in a battle in which he can’t take sides.

Tune in tonight at 19:00 for all the answers (with a few shocks and surprises guaranteed along the way!), and join us straight after at 19:50 to have your say in our latest episode discussion. We’ve got a feeling there will be lots to say about this one…

May 28th, 2010

Don’t forget to tune into today’s edition of The One Show, as Karen Gillan will be appearing on it as a guest!

The actress, who is, of course, portraying Amy Pond in the current series, will be discussing all things Series 5 tonight from 19:00 on BBC1. Don’t miss it (but, if you do, you can catch up here after it’s aired)!

May 27th, 2010
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

The official Doctor Who website was today updated ahead of the broadcast of Cold Blood this weekend.

Included on its new episode guide are four preview clips and an introduction to the story from Meera Syal. There’s also a gallery featuring the episode stills we posted earlier this week. 

Airing this Saturday on BBC1/HD at 19:00, the story sees the Doctor face his toughest challenge yet.

In addition, LastBroadcast have posted their review of the episode, rating it 4 out of 5.

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