Steven Moffat joins Twitter!

July 14th, 2010

Coinciding with the start of production on the sixth series of Doctor Who (and considering he doesn’t have enough on his plate already!), Steven Moffat has launched his very own official Twitter account!

The showrunner has already tweeted a couple of Time Lordy tidbits, including “Oh, he’s back behind the bow tie - and better than ever”, and hopefully we can look forward to more of his behind the scenes musings over the coming months as filming on the new series continues…

Don’t forget that you can also follow WhovianNet’s Twitter (@wnfeed) for all the latest news and site updates by clicking here (please excuse the shameless plug!).

29 comments on this article
  1. e.p
    July 16th, 2010 at 3.19am | #1

    @The 13th Doctor
    heheh ok didn’t mean to snap at you :)

  2. The 13th Doctor
    July 16th, 2010 at 3.26am | #2

    ok then, but sorry anyway

  3. Metallica16
    July 16th, 2010 at 6.45am | #3


    haha Yeah there are two steves.. execpt now ive changed my name 2 metallica16 cuase its getting to confusing

  4. Metallica16
    July 16th, 2010 at 6.47am | #4

    Ps…nah i really cant be bothered getting twitter

  5. Metallica16
    July 16th, 2010 at 7.04am | #5

    Also no…im not just another fan girl…
    steven moffat brought this show into new dimentions and added a new twist to the series, also he got rid of MOST of the annoying and lame things in the RTD years. Doctor Who is always stepping forward in ways of effects, cinematoghy, acting and storylines, but for me personally, series 4 and the 2009 episodes was a slight step back, and thankfully moffat took over before it could go back any further. So no i dont just blindly praise steven moffat and say that ‘he can do no wrong’ ive looked at every aspect of the series and i believe that he is a much better writer for doctor who. AlSO i HATED the beast below, it was a total disapointment! So moffat is not without my critasism

  6. JC
    July 16th, 2010 at 10.19am | #6

    I’m trying to take TWWL’s advice and not get defensive about my own opinion, which a lot of people know is that the 10th Doctor was my favourite Doctor and the 11th is my second favourite and because David Tennant was the Doctor when I first watched the show, he will probably always be my favourite.

    As for writers, I don’t get into that arguement personally. I know next to nothing about RTD or Steven Moffatt because that doesn’t matter to me, I can’t hold a grudge against the writers like that.

    Weirdly enough, as has been said, despite the constant fighting, we’re all fans of the Doctor and Doctor Who and whether anyone likes it or not, the essence of who the 9th and 10th Doctors were remains inside the 11th, as does the essence of who the other eight were as well.

    I was a 10th Doctor fan, I remain a 10th Doctor fan, all the fighting hasn’t changed that but I’ve accepted that’s in the past now and I’ve moved on to the 11th Doctor, I personally don’t know what purpose raking up the past serves.

    This is just my opinion though.

  7. TWWL
    July 16th, 2010 at 4.36pm | #7

    Why would I be one of the first ones on there?

    I don’t use Twitter anyway, and won’t be following Moffat.

  8. Elijah
    July 17th, 2010 at 2.32pm | #8

    who;s special guest doctor

  9. jak
    August 4th, 2010 at 9.42am | #9

    i know lets watch another show that is innovative as doctor who, with an alien from a destroyed planet that has a time machine called a TARDIS and can change appearance to keep the show fresh for 47.5 years. lets all argee that doctor who is still brilliant with great stories – with time travel there are many possible stories to make. no two stories are exactly the same. RTD likes the new series and the changes, so way complain/compare about the two eras. i’ve seen all the doctors and i have liked all the eras and every single doctor is a great choice.

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