First mid-series cliffhanger rumour surfaces

August 30th, 2010
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

The Sun have posted an article in which they reveal what will no doubt be the first of their many ’spoilers’ surrounding next year’s mid-series cliffhanger.

On Sunday it was confirmed that Series 6 will be be transmitted in two halves to make for an ‘Earth-shattering’ plot twist at the end of Episode 7. According to the tabloid’s inevitable report, that plot twist will be the death of the Doctor’s current companion, Amy Pond. As always, the speculation should be taken with a pinch of salt.

To respect those of you who are avoiding spoilers, we’ve posted the link to the original source in a comment below. Do NOT read the comments if you don’t want to know as we won’t be monitoring them for spoilers.

11 comments on this article
  1. admin
    August 30th, 2010 at 11.55pm | #1

    The full article can be read on The Sun website, here. Feel free to share your thoughts below.

  2. TE
    September 1st, 2010 at 12.13am | #2

    Thanks for this, admin :)

    Regarding the topic at hand: it does seem possible as it is quite a “game-changing” cliffhanger and would affect the Doctor, Amy and Rory. There’s also the possibility that River is the one who kills Amy. Plus, there’s the fact that Karen wants to do some theatre work after Series Six finishes.

  3. Sam
    September 1st, 2010 at 1.40am | #3

    I’m starting to like Amy!
    Hope this isn’t true!

  4. e.p
    September 1st, 2010 at 4.17am | #4

    Hmm… I’m skeptical. First of all it’s the Sun. Didn’t they say that there’s going to be a flying shark in the Christmas special?
    Second it’s not much of a cliff-hanger. It’s more of an ending. I wouldn’t call it “Earth-shattering”, and besides Rory already killed her at the end of series 5 and she came back, so that plot twist has been used.

    I’m still leaning toward the theory that the plot twist involves River Song. Unless River kills Amy… oooooh

  5. Adam Clark
    September 1st, 2010 at 7.36am | #5

    Amy had better not die!!!!!!!!

  6. cynet
    September 1st, 2010 at 8.04am | #6

    Gather digital spy has also stated that Amy will die, which i have to say im pleased with this decision as i feel the character has gone as far as it can, plus her acting has alot to be desired, Rose, Martha and Donna were much better.
    Would be a great episode where Amy dies from the deadly assasian river song, yes that’s how she will probably die.

  7. TSG
    September 1st, 2010 at 10.35am | #7

    Bearing in mind that River killed a man, what if we’re all wrong and she doesn’t kill the Doctor, but Rory? No, hang on, I’m being stupid – she didn’t recognise him. Sorry, ignore me.

    As for Amy dying, I’m torn. I like Amy. She’s fun, fiesty, and extremely beautiful, which doesn’t exactly hurt, y’know. ;) And yet, for the story’s sake, I think it would be a good idea to kill someone for real this time. Every time we thought someone would die/had died, it just never happened. The Children of Time – “one of them will die” – well, sure Donna’s fate was tragic, but it’s not a real death for us to bawl over. They never tried to make us believe that Rose was dead, but they did try to make us believe that it was impossible for her to come back and we would never, ever see her again (’nuff said there). And then we have Rory, the amazing, erased-from-time-and-space-defying Auton. Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad he came back, but it was just a tiny bit of an anticlimax.

    As for River killing Amy – that would be fun. Well, not for anyone involved, but certainly from my point of view!

  8. Steve
    September 1st, 2010 at 9.43pm | #8

    How about killing of River, who is becoming very boring!

  9. TE
    September 1st, 2010 at 10.20pm | #9

    The flying shark is… almost true, but that’s all that can be said.

    But, I have to add: I do think Amy’s story will be over by this series, so it would make perfect sense to end her time during Series Six, rather than do a Rose and drag it on for four years.

  10. Katie
    September 1st, 2010 at 11.08pm | #10

    Although Amy is okay I dont really think she has ever been as good as Billie, Freema and Catherine. Maybe killing her off might be a big step (they havent actually killed anyone off except Adric, have they?) but I wouldnt be sad to see her go. But whyy would they kill her off half way through the series? Would the Doctor carry on on his own for the remaining episodes? Or would they bring in a new companion? Who knows :)

  11. TE
    September 1st, 2010 at 11.21pm | #11

    If Amy does indeed die in Episode 7, then the Doctor would probably just be stuck with Rory for the remaining six episodes :D

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