Brand new full length trailer for new series now online!

March 30th, 2011
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A full length trailer for the new series of Doctor Who is here!

The 60 second preview was released online this afternoon and features an abundance of new clips from Series 6. It’s a dramatic sneak preview of what awaits the Doctor, Amy and Rory in their latest string of adventures.

You can watch the trailer below in all its glory. What do you think!? As always, have your say in the comments and let us know your reactions. This will be one to remember!

In the trailer, we’re treated to the traditional ominous and foreboding lines (it wouldn’t be a Doctor Who trailer without them!), as well as our first glimpses of Hugh Bonneville and Lily Cole’s roles in the pirate story. All of that plus epic helicopter shots of Utah, a creepy clown with a balloon and… hold on, is that Amy and Rory in the old TARDIS!?

Meanwhile, Neil Gaiman has revealed on his Facebook that the trailer includes eight shots from his upcoming episode, The Doctor’s Wife. He adds: “I’m a bit excited, because it means it’s really happening.” Don’t worry, Neil – we’re a bit excited too!

“This is the Doctor’s darkest hour. He’ll rise higher than ever before and then fall so much further. This is the day he finds out who I am…”

“I’ve been running my whole life. Now it’s time for me to stop…”

As confirmed by Steven Moffat on Twitter, the trail will debut on BBC One at 8pm.

Break your silence in our ongoing Series 6 discussion, Silences, Rivers and Songs

60 comments on this article
  1. TC
    March 30th, 2011 at 11.52pm | #1

    I don’t see anything of the coral design from 9/10’s TARDIS. I do see the ‘coffins’ that were in “The Lodger” though.

  2. TC
    March 30th, 2011 at 11.56pm | #2

    OK, now I see it. It’s at 0:38, when it looks like the console is surrounded by energy. Still though, the other clips are from the “Lodger” TARDIS.

    I admit my mistake.

  3. JC
    March 31st, 2011 at 12.05am | #3

    I don’t assume anyone is wrong apart from myself, lol, I’m open to what everyone has said, I just hoped that the image in that link, as well as the Tardis that seemed to look like the 10th Doctor’s Tardis, as well as the 10th Doctor’s Tardis being in the promotonal image was actually what it seemed to be.

    I could be completely wrong though, that’s why I don’t guess who River Song will turn out to be.

  4. TC
    March 31st, 2011 at 12.08am | #4

    I don’t try to guess either. :P

    I think I was just irked by comments on You Tube along the lines of “Maybe Tennant’s coming back!” I’m still annoyed that some people are whining about that even now.

  5. JC
    March 31st, 2011 at 12.18am | #5

    Yeah. I have to admit, I am a 10th Doctor fan, he’s my favourite Doctor, but I have moved on and only think of Matt Smith as the Doctor now.

    I’d like to see the 10th Doctor again one day, but Matt Smith took over the reins and he’s doing a fine job, can’t wait for Series 6

  6. Professor Zed
    March 31st, 2011 at 5.48am | #6

    This 60 second trailer should win an award. It’s utterly fantastic and incredibly enticing! Thank you everyone involved in whatever way in the production of “Doctor Who”!

  7. robert
    March 31st, 2011 at 7.59am | #7

    I’ve noticed something

    that voice that say’s “Fear me, I’ve killed hundreds of Timelords!”

    Sounds oddly like Benedict Cumberbatch AKA Sherlock

    This could be the part he was alluding too!

  8. Steve
    March 31st, 2011 at 9.42am | #8

    @TC Sorry mate but if you freeze the frame, you will see Eccleston’s Green TARDIS console on the left hand side. The Lodgers “TARDIS” had 4 sides and each one held out in position, nothing like the 6 sided console of the Doctor’s ship shown. I am also glad that you have raised this 9/10th issue. Eccleston had this TARDIS console room first, which kind of makes it his and not DT. This puts DT on par with Colin Baker as the only 2 Doctor’s in it’s history without their own title sequences

  9. mpirks
    March 31st, 2011 at 1.00pm | #9

    A wild theory here but could it not be that Amy kills River Song after it’s revealed who she is. I just thought of that as the shot of the doctor shouting ‘No!’ seemed really epic and a huge moment. Maybe something is buried within River song and when she’s killed her true identity is revealed (a bit like the Professor Yana/Master idea but a lot more in depth)? just an idea

  10. JC
    March 31st, 2011 at 2.05pm | #10

    But River died in The Library with the 10th Doctor, that’s how he first met her and when she last saw him

  11. PondandBeyond
    March 31st, 2011 at 3.36pm | #11

    BBC America got a trailer which includes the Silents face (Unblured) and they got to see River fall from a skyscraper in Episode 1 :(

  12. Rose Weasley
    March 31st, 2011 at 4.23pm | #12

    I don’t know if anyone’s noticed this, but if you pause it at 0:44, the Doctor seems to be in the Lodger TARDIS?
    And at the end, when Amy is shooting, there might be two Amys, depends where the cameras are.

  13. wdz
    March 31st, 2011 at 5.27pm | #13

    If you look at 13seconds, you see David Tennents TARDIS coming out of a crack in space(possibly the one from the last series). This is a possible reason for time difference from the 10th Doctor being in space regenerating, and the 11th Doctor crashing in Amy Ponds garden.
    At 38seconds you see two people (possibly Amy and Rory) in the 10th Doctors TARDIS, in what looks like a regeneration scene. Is it possible that the Doctor and the others some how went back in time to see David Tennents regeneration inside the TARDIS to see if they could find the cause of the problems that he had throughout the series with the TARDIS and to see if they could work out what had caused it to explode????

  14. Steve
    March 31st, 2011 at 6.20pm | #14

    People are obsessing about David Tennant and apparently “his” TARDIS. Set design was created for the 9th Doctor, not the 10th!DT is one man in a long line of different actors to play the part, it is not DT part, so until the series is aired, lets just see whose TARDIS it will turn out to be. AS I have said previously, it could be any timelords TARDIS!

  15. robert
    March 31st, 2011 at 7.57pm | #15


    Well said

    i think there are definatly two tardis within each other

    this is what probaly made the explosion which caused the cracks

    but who or what could cause a parodox???

    And where is the doctor

    maybe the energy is him!!

  16. Mike Humphreys
    March 31st, 2011 at 8.07pm | #16

    All this idle speculation is good fun is it not?

  17. Ruby
    March 31st, 2011 at 8.19pm | #17

    I dont even like the newer series with Eleven but this trailer is fantastic! Nine/Ten TARDIS Thang is very exciting! And the end clips where it looks like Amy is doing something huuuge looks really good! I wonder if that will be around the time when the cliffhanger happens and the series doesnt pick up until Autumn…

  18. Rose
    March 31st, 2011 at 11.43pm | #18

    Deffinatly 9/10 Tardis at 0.38 I’ve looked at that hundreads of times and off course River’s spiral shooting deffinatly in the Lodger ‘TARDIS’ thing I can see the balck coffins.
    The bit at the end with Amy shooting she’s wearing the same top as she does in the Utah desert making me think that that bit could be in the season opener? Or possible could just be her wearing the same top in a different episode..Either way this trailer looks EPIC can’t wait for the new series to start in just over three weeks or so..HURRY UP EASTER lol

  19. TE
    April 2nd, 2011 at 5.02pm | #19

    Horrible thought: what if it’s Rory that Amy shoots at the end of the trailer?

    @Dave Bonham
    I think it might just be a track by Murray Gold for this year’s trailer.

  20. TE
    April 2nd, 2011 at 5.05pm | #20

    Like you’ve said: it’s hard to see anything because it’s not clear. But, I can see a faint white dot above the handle which would most likely be the St. John’s Ambulance logo. I think after The Time of Angels, they won’t make the same mistake.

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