Look behind you… and discuss Episode 1’s prequel!

March 25th, 2011
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

The prequel to the first episode of the new series, The Impossible Astronaut, has been released online!

The scene (which, despite its length, isn’t lacking in the terror factor!) sets us up for the Doctor’s next adventure with a taste of what’s to come in the opening US two-parter. There are definitely dark times ahead…

You can watch the prequel below, and don’t forget to have your say in the comments.

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22 comments on this article
  1. e.p
    March 29th, 2011 at 4.20am | #1

    What if it’s a re-incarnated but disfigured Time Lord? Like the Monk or Omega… I have no evidence for this but it’s a thought!

  2. Barfcat2
    April 4th, 2011 at 7.30am | #2

    Yeah that’s defiantly supposed to be Nixon…you can tell by the nose. Additionally, he had all of his phone conversations taped and this call could be part of the 18 1/2 minutes of wiped tape. And Nixon was the president in office during most of the manned space missions including 3 to the moon. And possibly this encounter with this shadowy alien figure will shape his paranoia that led him to ordering the Watergate Plumbers.

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