Timey-Wimey Tuesday: Something on my face?

March 22nd, 2011
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

It’s Timey-Wimey Tuesday, which means it’s time to look ahead to the future with another Series 6 related picture!

This week’s featured image is a screencap from the trailer of a screaming Amy Pond. Although it’s common knowledge that we shouldn’t really take things at face value, that’s exactly all we need to do in this particular scenario. Our question today is – what do the mysterious tally markings on Amy’s face mean, and what are they marking off? Comment below with your thoughts and theories!

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13 comments on this article
  1. Alex
    March 22nd, 2011 at 2.54am | #1

    We’ll assume for a moment that some wiseacre didn’t just put those on her face for a laugh (i.e. like that kid putting “Bad Wolf” on the side of the TARDIS in “World War III”). If they’re self-inflicted, that’s pretty disturbing. You’re right, though, they do look like tally marks. That or the BBC is really cutting back on its make-up budget!

  2. TC
    March 22nd, 2011 at 4.29am | #2

    They could be tally marks, but they also look a lot like stitch-marks. Perhaps Amy’s being transformed into a doll?

  3. Emma
    March 22nd, 2011 at 8.10am | #3

    Well.. I ran the pic through Picasa, and lightened it, and the tally marks are all over her face. From what I can see, there’s forty of them.. That could be significant in some way? As far as I know though, they just look like ordinary pen marks, like someone drew on her face with a marker. I doubt some of them could have been self inflicted though.

  4. Paddy
    March 22nd, 2011 at 9.33am | #4

    They’re very similar to the markings of the Beast from the Impossible Planet/Satan Pit.

  5. Hannah
    March 22nd, 2011 at 1.48pm | #5

    I reckon it’s another old form of communitcation and it’s linked to the grren-eyed ood. Like toby’s markings but a different civilisation.

  6. TSG
    March 22nd, 2011 at 4.20pm | #6

    That was my first thought too – the green-eyed Ood and then this similar idea of markings on the face is too much coincidence to be ignored…

    … but that doesn’t correspond with the tally mark theme. There was no counting in TIP/TSP… no, hang on, yes there was! This is a little bit out there, and probably a load of rubbish, but at the end of TSP, they counted off all the dead Ood! “Ood Alpha 1… deceased. Ood Alpha 2… deceased.” Etc etc. Link?

  7. TC
    March 22nd, 2011 at 5.12pm | #7

    People are still thinking that? They look nothing like the marks from when the Beast possessed that guy in TIP/TSP. That was the “impossibly old” language, not tally/stitch marks like these. I seriously doubt Moffat would reuse something like that, unless he had a very goo reason to do so.

  8. Last_of_the_timelords
    March 22nd, 2011 at 6.33pm | #8

    ive been thinking about this , because in the doctor who magazine they all have them on the back page, also in the trailer river had them, could be some sort of countdown, if you get so many you die or something like that

  9. The Silence
    March 22nd, 2011 at 6.54pm | #9

    That is genius. I think thats it! It would explain amys horrified reaction all right. But this would mean river is also in ep9.

  10. TSG
    March 22nd, 2011 at 9.49pm | #10

    Hey, I did say it was a really far-fetched and ridiculous idea. Though admittedly I then went ahead and said it.

    I think the countdown theme is the strongest atm, but again with reusing ideas – Amy being made to count down in Flesh & Stone, remember? “I’m five. Five. Fine! I’m fine!” Then again, to contradict myself, they’re obviously reusing the Ood, so why not some other element?

  11. e.p
    March 26th, 2011 at 5.58am | #11

    Super creepy photo. I don’t know what the markings mean, but Amy isn’t happy about it. Looks like this series Doctor Who is returning to its hide-behind-the-sofa days (although I don’t find Classic Who as frightening as everyone says it was…)

  12. tardis1999
    April 1st, 2011 at 9.57pm | #12

    i agree, they are similar to the beats marks that Toby Zed had in the impossible planet/the satan pit.
    maby he escaped through a crack in time before he got suked into a black hole?

  13. tardis1999
    April 1st, 2011 at 9.58pm | #13

    that’s ment to be “beast”(above)

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