Steven Moffat previews the new series in Radio Times

April 12th, 2011
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

As well as sporting a great Doctor Who cover, this week’s issue of Radio Times also features an exclusive Series 6 episode guide written by Steven Moffat himself!

For anyone who hasn’t managed to get their copy yet, the magazine has posted an extract from the feature on their site, in which the showrunner describes the opening US two-parter, The Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon, as “bigger, bolder” and “madder” than previous series premieres…

Episodes 1/2: The Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon
Writer: Steven Moffat Director: Toby Haynes
Guest stars: Alex Kingston, Mark Sheppard, Stuart Milligan

For the first time since the show came back, we’re starting with a two-parter.

I said to our genius director Toby Haynes (The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang and A Christmas Carol), “Start like it’s the finale”, and my God, that’s just what he’s done. I’m not sure Doctor Who has ever felt bigger, bolder or madder. The Doctor, Amy, Rory and River in the Valley of the Gods, Nixon’s White House, Area 51 and a strangely familiar spaceship. Oh, and there’s Alex Kingston diving backwards off a skyscraper.

Look, what else do you want from your television? Well, monsters, I expect. And oh, we’ve got monsters. The Silence, revealed at last. And I’d like to tell you about them. I really would. But I can’t – I just can’t. You’ll see.

You can read his full preview of the spring series (Episodes 1-7), as well as an interview with Matt Smith, inside the magazine, which is out now. Also included inside are the new images released today, one of which confirms the return of the Cybermen!

Today it was announced that Series 6 will begin on Saturday 23rd April at 6pm.

Break your silence in our ongoing Series 6 discussion, Silences, Rivers and Songs!

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