Steven promises “lots of stuff” planned for 2013

August 4th, 2011
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Steven Moffat has reassured fans that “lots of stuff” is being planned for Doctor Who’s 50th anniversary celebrations!

“It won’t be just one thing. We’ll be doing lots of stuff,” he’s told TVLine. “The plans are quite extensive, and they are changing all the time. Oh my God, we will hit that year very, very hard indeed. There’s lot of decisions we’re making. It’ll be amazing.” He added that the BBC “are fully committed” to making his plans, which “possibly” include a multi-Doctor ep, a reality. We wonder what he’s got up his sleeve!

He added: “I’ve got various plans, but all I can say emphatically is it will be huge.”

6 comments on this article
  1. Jack
    August 4th, 2011 at 1.18pm | #1

    Well it’s great to now actually hear some info from Steven Moffat, instead of third party sources and cast members speculating what might be happing, just as fans are.

    Let’s just hope that “possible” multi-Doctor story becomes a reality.

  2. The Parminder Victorious
    August 5th, 2011 at 3.19am | #2

    Can’t wait should be fun to watch.
    I’m hoping for David Tennant to make an appearance but just as much so Christopher Eccleston as well.
    You know, even if they’re just cameos by the previous Doctors it should still be satisfying.
    And with Moffat at the top, I know I wont be let down.

  3. Sandra Curran
    December 4th, 2011 at 3.29am | #3

    I hope they bring some of the events to Scotland, i don,t think Scottish fans get to share in all the buzz around Dr.Who events. Everytime there are sighings they are always held in England and Wales. Would be nice to see the three Main stars doing a sighning in Glasgow for all the Scottish fans. I hope when the 50th celebrations start for Dr.Who that they bring some of the events to Central scotland. I have been A devoted fan of the show since i was a little girl, i was born the same year Dr.who started and have followed the show since i was old enough to become aware of it. Between the David Tennant and Matt Smith doctors i have watched them all dozens of times. Steven Moffats stories are so enthralling, this man is brilliant at writting stories he has some imagination. Please bring MORE events to Scotland, it would be nice to see Matt, Karen and Arthur doing a sighing in Glasgow so as all the scottish fans can share in all the Buzz around Dr.Who.

  4. Conor O’Reilly
    August 15th, 2012 at 8.16pm | #4

    What about Irish Fans?…

  5. Steve
    August 16th, 2012 at 4.10pm | #5

    SM may promise lots of stuff for 2013 but I hold out no hope base on the last series. I would want to hope that 2013 will be a celebration of 50 years but based on the comments on this website, the majority of people only care about the last 7 and it is a shame!

  6. Grace
    August 17th, 2012 at 11.04am | #6

    Really? We’re excited? He didn’t actually say anything!

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