Karen says show’s given her “best years” of her life

Karen Gillan has admitted that working on Doctor Who has given her the best years of her life so far.
The actress is to leave her role as Amy, but has noted that the time is right for her to depart, because her character’s story has now reached its “natural end”.
Speaking at the National Television Awards, where she won the title of Best Female Drama Peformance, she said: “There is a huge part of me that is so, so sad to be leaving.”
She continued: “I don’t regret it, but I can honestly say from the bottom of my heart that I’ve had the best years of my life on this show. I don’t know if I’ll ever have this much fun again. But things to come an end and it’s time to move on to other things.”
Matt Smith also reflected on Karen’s exit, but confirmed that he has no plans to leave himself. “I’m here for the future,” he said. “I love making it. I have no plans to leave.”
Filming for Series 7 – described as “the biggest series ever” – begins next month.
its a shame but out with the old and in with the new blood i say you have to move onto someone new to spice the show up again for fear of it going stale but well done karin for the award for best female drama performance