6 eps to be shown this year, remaining 8 in 2013

It has been confirmed today that 6 episodes of Doctor Who, including the Christmas Special, will be broadcast this year!
The first five episodes of Series 7 will feature Amy and Rory, before the couple say goodbye to the TARDIS to welcome aboard the new companion, as played by former Emmerdale actress Jenna-Louise Coleman. She will be introduced during this year’s festive episode, as part of “a dramatic turn of events” for the Doctor.
Then, the remaining 8 episodes of the seventh series will follow in 2013, with Coleman starring alongside Matt Smith in the series as the Eleventh Doctor’s full-time companion.
The BBC clarifies “No announcement on plans for the 50th anniversary given today”.
If you’ve something to say about Series 7, head on over to our dedicated discussion!
Yay!!! This is actually more exciting to me than the announcement of the actress playing the companion, which probably makes me quite a nerd, but never mind. And the big spoiler! Um, yes,
I couldn’t help but notice that the Moff’s “not everyone will get out alive” is very vague. It needn’t refer to Amy/Rory. I sort of hope it does, because otherwise that’s a massive let-down, but it needn’t.
Grr, I hate these boring bits between their adventures!
TSG — I’m kind of like you in that regard, in large part because on this side of the pond, I have absolutely no idea who this woman is. And that’s usually how it is for Doctor Who actors; they’re usually unknowns to us Yanks, until we fall in love with them on Doctor Who. I’m far more interested in what sort of a character she’ll be playing, and I rather hope not to find that out until I see it on the screen. More fun that way! (Although I may peek at spoiler sites anyway. It’s like watching scary movies between your fingers — you don’t want to watch and yet you can’t help but watching.)
Oh, and about the episode timing…. I’m totally fine with starting the season in the fall. Many shows run fall-to-spring anyway, and of course Doctor Who originally did too. Of course, Doctor Who originally had twice as many episodes in a season, but they were half the length, so I shouldn’t complain too much.
I think this is such a crock! Let’s pretend we haven’t waited all year for Who in the first place only to have to keep waiting!
Oh, and just you wait, they’ll be more mind games in the future with the scheduling because Who fans will take anything they can get! Or is it that Downton Abbey will be back and they’re afraid that’s where the fans will be?