John on Torchwood’s future, the 50th anniversary

April 20th, 2012
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John Barrowman spoke to MTV Geek during his attendance at Chicago Comic & Entertainment Expo this weekend.

He talked about what the future holds for Torchwood, saying he’d “be back at the drop of a hat”. “I love Captain Jack, and me and Eve are like brother and sister on set. We have a great time together,” he said. “Jack’s an iconic figure. He’s a hero. Wherever I am, as long as it works out in my schedule, I will come back. At the end of Miracle Day there’s a cliffhanger, so who knows what will happen?”

He went on to discuss his hopes to be involved in Doctor Who’s 50th anniversary next year, admitting: “It would be a shame if Captain Jack wasn’t there. He was such a big figure and presence within the show itself, and also within Torchwood. But it’s not up to me. It’s just one of those things. I guess you’ll have to sit back and watch this space.”

Would you like to see Torchwood back, and should Jack return for the landmark year…?

6 comments on this article
  1. Borusa
    April 20th, 2012 at 6.32pm | #1

    Jack needs to come back for the 50th anniversary, because he’s like the Brigadier of the New Series, being an irregular male action companion.

    The Moff though does seem to be a little reluctant to bring back anything from the RTD era, so it wouldn’t surprise me if he didn’t come back. But please SM, bring back Jack.

  2. Mike
    April 20th, 2012 at 9.32pm | #2

    I agree
    With the opinions of captain jack

  3. Dwepic
    April 21st, 2012 at 9.24am | #3

    I’d absolutely love to see Captain Jack return for the 50th Anniversary, and it’s good to see John is so enthusiastic about it1

  4. Mia
    April 21st, 2012 at 6.19pm | #4

    Of course, we want Jack back for the 50th anniversary! I’m really, really hoping for a big multi-doctor + former companions episode.

  5. Profzed
    April 21st, 2012 at 7.48pm | #5

    Jack has his own show. Let other actors and actresses get some work. Let’s have other companions from the past get a return appearance.

    I enjoy John Barrowman’s work, but CJ has certainly had his share of DW appearances. Maybe a quick cameo, but I’d rather see Sargent Benton than Captain Jack.

    I’d also like to see more of Donna or Martha, Ace or Leela, Turlough or Jamie, Romana or Romana!

    Oh, and of course I’d MUCH rather see a return of the 10th Doctor, the 9th Doctor, the 8th Doctor, the 7th Doctor, the 6th Doctor, the 5th Doctor or the 4th Doctor!

  6. wieran
    August 17th, 2012 at 6.14pm | #6

    i would love for barrowman to come back and play jack. he is my all time favourite companion. miss him.

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