Matt on Ponds’ “incredible” exit, his future in role

April 5th, 2012
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

Matt Smith took a break from signing autographs and posing for photos at last month’s official Convention to speak to the Independent about all things Doctor Who.

Regarding Series 7, which is currently being filmed, he said: “It’s really great. We’ve some exciting episodes, and we did the read throughs for episodes one and five, and they are both extremely extraordinary.” The latter will be Amy and Rory’s final episode, featuring the Weeping Angels, which Matt promises will be “incredible”.

Scenes for the Ponds’ exit story are to be shot on location in New York, something Matt is “incredibly” excited about. The interview then moves onto discuss the casting of Jenna-Louise Coleman as the Doctor’s next companion. “Of course I’m very sad to lose Karen and Arthur, but the show is about change. I think she’s a wonderful actress,” he explained. “She did brilliantly in the audition. She’s going to offer a lot to the part.” Jenna makes her debut in this year’s Christmas episode, which films in May.

Finally, Matt discusses his own future in the TARDIS, reassuring fans that he is “not going anywhere any time soon.” “I’ve got another series to make yet,” he said. “Then we’ve got a Christmas Special and the 50th anniversary. I’ve got loads of Who to do.”

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3 comments on this article
  1. shawn
    April 5th, 2012 at 4.28pm | #1

    oh give over and stop talking about it and get it on the telly iv think we fans have waited long enough i just cant take the wait n e more :)

  2. Tom Versey
    April 5th, 2012 at 11.21pm | #2

    I hope that Steven Moffat leaves Amy and Rory’s departure in a way that they are open to return at some point in a couple of years, especially for the 50th.

  3. Borusa
    April 6th, 2012 at 7.28pm | #3

    @Tom Versey
    Tbh, I don’t think they should come back. I know that sounds negative, but I don’t like the whole thing where companions come back as it was during the RTD era, because it just felt unnecessary. The only one I thought was appropriate was Donna, because she came back as a full-time companion after a one-off appearance.

    Leave Amy and Rory be after Series Seven Episode 5, because if they came back their departure would be less meaningful, and as far as I recall Karen Gillan said she didn’t want to come back like RTD’s companions did. Let’s have a nice, sweet farewell and leave it at that.

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