Billie has True Love – tonight, 10:35pm, BBC One!

BBC One’s new drama True Love continues and tonight it’s Billie Piper’s turn at that crazy little thing called love!
The Rose Tyler actress plays Holly in the latest instalment. She is a young and unfulfilled teacher who has found herself in an unsatisfactory relationship with a married man. But it’s all about to change, when she suddenly finds herself drawn to one of her female students – Kaya Scodelario as Karen – who appears to feel the same way. Watch the drama unfold at 10:35pm tonight (Tuesday) on BBC One.
If you missed David Tennant’s story – Nick – on Sunday, you can catch up with it here.
I’ve been watching True Love and it hasn’t been bad so far. I’m a little confused by the stories though, the second and tonight’s third one have seemed unresolved in some ways, which may be by design (spoilers ahead)
Yesterday, you had that bloke staying with Lacey Turner after his affair, not telling her that she was also a con artist who took £5000 of their money.
Tonight, you have Billie Piper having a lesbian affair with a pupil and them just walking off into the sunset with no repercussions, which is unrealistic.
Having said that, Billie was great tonight. I know she likes to do programmes like Diary of a Call Girl and stuff like that and in real life, wear quite a bit of make-up, but when she’s stripped back in terms of acting and make-up like tonight, she’s actually really great to watch.
I’ve never seen Diary of a Call Girl because I prefer to think of her as Rose Tyler, as opposed to a prostitute.
Strangely enough, it’s not the sex scenes that are the problem, it’s that they’re not positive. In DOACG, she was a prostitute and tonight, there was that married man using her for sex, which I have to admit, did make me feel for her character.
When Billie plays roles I can watch, like Rose Tyler and Holly in tonight’s True Love, I do really enjoy watching her act.