BREAKING NEWS: Monsters on the run in Cardiff!

June 21st, 2012

Cardiff and the surrounding areas were put in grave danger today when an array of Doctor Who monters escaped from the new Experience in Cardiff Bay.

The BBC have confirmed that the dramatic break out took place at approximately 8am, when a Cyberman, Ood, Silent and a Scarecrow were all spotted fleeing from the premises following an explosion. It is believed that it was planned by a Dalek. The monsters have recently relocated to Cardiff from London ahead of the Experience’s launch next month.

“If any members of the public spot the monsters in Cardiff, please don’t approach them yourselves,” Head of Exhibitions for BBC Worldwide, Paula Al Lach, said in a statement. “They are extremely dangerous. Please report your sighting to us on our Facebook to help us track their movements and we can ensure they are returned.”

Fans have been reassured that today’s incident will not delay the Experience’s opening. Tickets are on sale now priced £9 (child), £13 (adult), £38 (family). It opens 20th July.

2 comments on this article
  1. BadWolfJen
    June 21st, 2012 at 9.14pm | #1

    Save us, save us all.

  2. shawn
    June 22nd, 2012 at 12.18pm | #2

    lol we r all goin to be deleted lol

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