David reflects on Doctor Who in new Radio Times

June 11th, 2012

David Tennant once again finds himself as the cover star of the Radio Times this week, and it has a new interview too!

The actor – who will be back on our screens this Sunday in True Love – chats to the magazine about life after Doctor Who. He explains he’s still “very glad” to be associated with it and how he “mercifully” hasn’t been typecast by the role.

“It opened more doors than it closed,” he said. “I was never bored. I wanted to make sure I left before it became a job.”

About the new 5 part improvised drama, in which he stars as Nick, he reveals: “It wasn’t what I expected. We were given a storyline, no dialogue, which I’ve never done before.”

Read his full interview in the new Radio Times, on sale tomorrow 12th June priced £1.40.

David’s previously said it’s “not impossible” he’ll be back for the 50th anniversary.

8 comments on this article
  1. BadWolfJen
    June 11th, 2012 at 11.26pm | #1

    I don’t think there will be one fan who wouldn’t be up in arms if David isn’t back for the 50th anniversary. Even if you don’t bring any other Doctor’s back you have to bring David back. Because lets face it you have a perfectly good 10.5 waiting to be brought back. And when you have a 10.5 waiting in the wings you have to bring him out a some point.

  2. Sarah
    June 11th, 2012 at 11.38pm | #2

    I don’t think we’d see anything with 10.5 because that kind of left with RTD. But come on,the 50th anniversary hopefully means multiple Doctors.Sylester McCoy has mentioned he’d be interested in taking part,and I really hope Paul McGann is too. And I think it’d be a definite must to have David included as well.:)

  3. TWWL
    June 12th, 2012 at 9.27am | #3

    Love to see him, or any of the other Doctor’s, back in some way for the 50th, but I’m not assuming it will definitely happen.

  4. JC
    June 12th, 2012 at 11.52am | #4

    Well, put it this way, if Steven Moffat makes the 50th Anniversary of Doctor Who about the 11th Doctor only, that will be it for me and I mean it.

    I mean, I’ve put up with a lot and I’m still just about hanging in there with Doctor Who, but an 11th Doctor only 50th Anniversary would be the very last straw.

    It’s not beyond imagination that knowing Moffat, he’d make the entire 50th anniversary about the 11th Doctor’s regeneration or something.

    “You think the 10th Doctor’s regeneration was big?…….the entire 50th anniversary of the show is about the 11th/12th Doctor transition”

  5. AnnaChildofGallifrey
    June 12th, 2012 at 5.56pm | #5

    I agree with JC, if Moffat makes it 11th Doctor only I will be truly heartbroken. I hope they get as many of the old Doctors as possible, I mean that would be brilliant wouldn’t it?!

  6. Soph
    June 12th, 2012 at 8.53pm | #6

    Yeah it would be great if there were loads of the old Doctors, but I don’t know if it would work with other actors playing the 1st, 2nd, 3rd,and 9th doctors.

  7. TWWL
    June 12th, 2012 at 10.23pm | #7

    Definitely no to other people playing dead Doctors. NO. Yes they did it in The Five Doctors, but no.

  8. Gavin
    June 13th, 2012 at 8.09am | #8

    I’m hoping for a CGI Jon Pertwee voiced by his son Sean.

    Seriously you don’t need to bring them ALL back. Just the ones who want back in… Hmmm that’s everyone alive except Ecclestone isn’t it?

    Colin Baker recently said he wouldn’t come back, but that’s because the BBC couldn’t afford his lunch menu. There’s no way he’s getting back in his old costume, unless it’s bigger on the inside…!

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