Discussion: Your hopes for the 50th anniversary

Unless you’ve been living deep in the Medusa Cascade, you’ll know that next year will be the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who, and everybody’s talking about it!
With over a year to go there’s already plenty of rumours and speculation about how the BBC will celebrate the tremendous milestone. With talks of a multi-Doctor special, a movie, and various past characters and foes returning, just how will the landmark year be commemorated? Your guess is as good as ours, but what would you like to see?
In this discussion you’ll be able to share all of your hopes and dreams for 2013. Would you like to see a multi-Doctor ep? Which characters/enemies from years gone by should make a triumphant comeback? It certainly will be a big historic moment – the event is surrounded by lots of expectation already. But what do the “extensive” plans involve?
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The comments below are the perfect destination for all your 50th anniversary musings. Drop in to discuss the latest developments as and when – even at 4am if you are being kept up with your wild, wonderful theories! You can also tweet us ideas @WhovianNet.
Click HERE to keep up to date with the latest 50th anniversary developments!
please kill matt and bring david back!!! this 11th doc is just awful!
i think the 50th anniversary special should have the eleventh Doctor, River, Rose, the human version of the tenth Doctor and perhaps Jenny or maybe the new companion
I think that Rose should come back. I believe this for two reasons. 1. If the 10th Doctor does come back and he and the 11th crossed timelines it would spark a parodox which could ripe a hole in time and space. So the only way for David to actually be back is if he is the Meta-Crisis from Pete’s world. 2. If he is the meta-crisis the only reason he would return is if Rose was with him. Otherwise he wouldn’t have a reason to return, unless Rose died for some strange reason.
I THINK. I think that would be a epic storyline with possible jealously between the girls. @River Song
I’d love to see any of the previous incarnations return, but I don’t think I want to see past companions. Especially not modern ones. I’d be all up for a return of some classic companions (accompanying their Doctor) but I feel that every time a modern companion is reintroduced it ruins the emotion of when they left the first time. Doomsday and Journey’s End both felt cheapened for me when they brought back Rose and Donna. And I’m not sure how I’d feel if the Ponds suddenly reappeared now, after the trauma of The Angels Take Manhattan. As much as I love all the modern companions, their stories have ended. Can’t we all move on?
I am hoping that Taschen books does a Dr. Who History. They do an incredible job with pictures, layout and interviews. A bit pricey, but worth it. Some type of “history of” in pictures and interviews needs to come out, or an extensive Dr. Who Encyclopedia that covers all the doctors and cast.
Any idea when the 2013 convention in cardiff will be??
Personally, I would love to see as many doctor’s come back as possible. I know a lot of people are saying that they don’t think it’s a good idea, this isn’t a reunion thing but it kind of is. All 11 doctors are why fans LOVE the show. Everyone has their favorite and they’ve done it for past anniversaries. They show wouldn’t be what it is today without all 11 doctors so why not have them? Also I am under the impression that this 50th anniversary special is just that…a special. Nothing to do with the season itself. I can understand why they won’t want to bring back past companions because then things can get messy. But what is wrong with having say River Song or Captain Jack? I think it would be great if River was the one to bring back all the Doctors. It could be like a Bad Wolf type thing with Rose…maybe Hello Sweetie? Also, how awesome would it be to see River and Jack interact? The two are extremely well written, interesting, and complicated characters, why not have them work together to help the doctor? Lastly, I would not be disappointed if they did something with the Master and bringing back the Timelords. Russel T. Davies did a good job of trying to close them off but…time can be re-written? Everyone knows that time is just a big ball of wibbly wobbly timey whimey stuff!
A multi Doctor story is a must, its the only chance of bringing back all the surviving Doctors. But with that BBC Worldwide poster last week saying its only going to be 60 minutes long I don’t see how they can do the anniversary justice.
Another vote for multi doctor.. and I would love a return of some overdue stories like The Doctor’s Daughter.
Maybe they could do a multiple doc story where someone else is bouncing through time to see each encarnation of the doctor.. kind of like Star Trek: All Good Things. So no Doctor is competing for center stage but they all have to work together in different time periods to save the day… just a thought.
Please bring back Jenny! I would love to know what happened to her. Also it would be nice to see what became of Rose and the human version of the Doctor- maybe with a baby? That would be lovely :-)
Reading your article dated January 30th, you close with the statement. We have faith in you Sir Moffat!
Well, I am glad you do. I am in the growing circle of Doctor Who fans that have little or no faith at all in Moffat.
After the 50th has aired, a long with the rest of series 7, I doubt many others will have faith in him either. Yes, I am one of many that also want a multi doctor special. However, I will eat my socks full of custard if this happens. For one thing the special is only to be 60 mins. How can they have that many doctors in that short space of time, without it looking stupid. Secondly, Moffat is well known for not doing what the majority want. Thirdly, He has gone on record stating he doesn’t like multi doctor who episodes. Finally, if there were to be a multi doctor special, don’t you think the BBC would be advertising the hell out of it. No, they are keeping quiet because they know a lot of people will be very disappointed when this so called special does finally air.
Therefore, all you Tennant fans are in for quite a shock. Wait and see.
I can’t say I’ve ever had faith in Steven Moffat. He’s offended and disappointed me too many times, but whether I like it or not, he’s the head writer of Doctor Who.
I don’t think there’ll be a Multi-Doctor episode either. It wouldn’t surprise me, but would very much disappoint me, if Moffat just has HIS Doctor and HIS Companion and HIS Tardis in an Anniversary special that finishes HIS story arc.
A combination of all. I’d love to see a great stand alone epic 11th Doctor story, but I want a multi Doctor fest as well!
@Ginger Crawford Ten DID have a storyline as the Valeyard which took place sometime after the finale of series 4, but before The End of Time parts I and II. It was published in comic form, and consisted of Ten losing his memory at the hands of an unknown foe, after ending up in a museum dedicated to himself (that is, The Doctor, in all his incarnations) along with Martha (though at this time he is traveling alone). After being encouraged by “Martha” to remember each bit of himself by picking up items that were associated with each of his past lives, thus triggering flashbacks of his past incarnations in which he used that item. When he finally gets his memory back, his foe is revealed as himself, calling himself “The Valeyard.” “Martha” is discovered to be the T.A.R.D.I.S. trying to help him regain his memory. It is then revealed that he is in the T.A.R.D.I.S. matrix, and the so-called “Valeyard” is a parasite which latched onto his head, rendering him unconscious in an attempt to take over his lives, which had been left over from one of the stolen planets.
Check out the Doctor Who six-part comic entitled, “The Forgotten” to see Ten, as portrayed by David Tennant (animated) as The Valeyard.
I disagree with a lot of the comments I just read…(Dont kill me!). First of all, Rose really should not come back. Im sorry to those of you who are still really attatched to her character..but, her storyline has already been stretched too thin. Bringing her back AGAIN would be stepping over the line. Second, No, past doctors crossing other doctors would NOT create a paradox and we know this because its happened before, in a Classic Who special, not exactly surethe exact episode or anything but I do remember it happenning. Third, Im sorry, WHAT do you guys have against Moffat? Maybe its just me, but I think he’s a genius and an evil mastermind and is one of my favorite writers. But hey, maybe Im alone in this. Another thing: Matt Smith did not ruin Doctor Who. Whats not to like? Hes a good actor, he’s funny, he can deliver lines like no other, and has brought a lot of positive things to the show. AND it is impossible to bring back David Tennant permanantly, Im sorry. I know hes, well, gorgeous, an was also a brilliant Doctor, but thats not a valid reason to hate on poor 11, right? Okay, my rant is done.
Wait, one more. Two actually. Its not possible to bring back the Ponds. Their deaths are now foxed points in time and its…just impossible. It wont happen. Okay last thing for real: Captain Jack please come back. Im dying to see River, Clara, and Jack in the same room. Theyre all so flirtacious..just Ugh I dont know. Haha.