Discussion: Your hopes for the 50th anniversary

Unless you’ve been living deep in the Medusa Cascade, you’ll know that next year will be the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who, and everybody’s talking about it!
With over a year to go there’s already plenty of rumours and speculation about how the BBC will celebrate the tremendous milestone. With talks of a multi-Doctor special, a movie, and various past characters and foes returning, just how will the landmark year be commemorated? Your guess is as good as ours, but what would you like to see?
In this discussion you’ll be able to share all of your hopes and dreams for 2013. Would you like to see a multi-Doctor ep? Which characters/enemies from years gone by should make a triumphant comeback? It certainly will be a big historic moment – the event is surrounded by lots of expectation already. But what do the “extensive” plans involve?
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The comments below are the perfect destination for all your 50th anniversary musings. Drop in to discuss the latest developments as and when – even at 4am if you are being kept up with your wild, wonderful theories! You can also tweet us ideas @WhovianNet.
Click HERE to keep up to date with the latest 50th anniversary developments!
sorry for repeating myself it was an accident
I dont think that mat Smith is a bad actor i just think stevrn moffet has failed him Mat smith would have been writing
I dont think that mat Smith is a bad actor i just think stevrn moffet has failed him Mat smith would have been better if RTD was writing for im don get me wrong i think steven moffet is a much better writer then RTD and i think he is great at one off specials but i think RTD is better a beter head writer of DW then steven moffet is. i am not just saying that cause i am a masssive mat smith fan cause david tennent was my favorite doctor to but i would not want him to come back as main doctor because of the whole sucess of doctor who lie in the fact that it is always changeing and evolving.
p.s ignore top comment i acedently sent to early and excuse my spelling and grammar i am dyslexic.
@jo toleman
i probly sound really stupid her but what the hells a ranga
I think that steven moffat is a brilliant writer and adds more emotion and action/drama to the series than RTD ever did but i agree with many that with moffat as head writer he isnt as consistent with bringing out episodes as RTD was. When RTD was running the show there was 13 episodes each year and a couple of specials but steven moffat has gone from splitting the series in half to just 5 episodes last year! Its seems like were getting less each year. Then again this all could just be because hes busy with SHERLOCK and the 50th anniversary and if that is so then i look forward to seeing what moffat brings into the series.
I would like all of the doctors (that are alive) and companions to come back (without creating a parodox).Also David Tennent can not come back to the show permanently unless you want the whole show to be messed up sorry
I think Steven Moffat is brilliant I love the episodes he makes heis magnificent it justtakes longer to tape his shows
I would love a multi-Doctor episode, yet sadly that is improbable, as William, Pattrick and John have sadly passed on, and most former Doctors are almost unreconisable.
However, I agree with Sylvester Mccoy idea, to have the living former Doctor’s play a different character. And this can apply for former companions, though some can play their charcters, such as Sophie Aldred, she can easily play an older Ace.
Steven Moffat is a brilliant writer, however I think it would be superb if former writers of Doctor Who all met up and gave their ideas to each other, pick out the right elements from the ideas, and try and put them together. It would be great to bring back Russel T Davies, as he brought the show back to life, and I beleve Ian Briggs would be great, as the Curse of Fenric was just spectacular.
The trouble with most movies is that there is only one star, and events like the red carpet only happen in one place at one time. There’s that many Doctors left they could have red carpet events all over the world simultaneously for the 50th Anniversary.
So, what do you think?
I would love a Time War Special. That would be awesome!
i realize this will probably not happen but if they were to bring back all the living doctors AND companions that would be the most epic thing in the universe….and that little bubble outside of the universe!!!!!
@Rachael – a Ranga is slang for someone with red hair – Aussie slang for a Ginger!
i think at the very end the doctor should regenerate which would bee a weird twist to it but all the same i love Matt Smith
*Spoilers* They have been filming at the Tower of London for the 50th, and there is a picture of David, and Matt standing in front of the 10th’s Tardis, and set pics of a stunt double dressed as Matt hanging in the air from the 11th’s version of the Tardis, so that means the Doctor David is playing is the !0th, and not the Meta, even though Billie Piper is in the 50th episode…
Bring back more Doctors!
David Tennant is my favorite Doctor. I would have at least hoped for Christopher Eccleston and John Barrowman, but sadly that wont be happening. What would have been nice though was if they could have brought back Donna Noble. I think her and the 10th Doctor had great chemistry.
I love Matt Smith, but I do think his time is almost up. I would think that having him regenerate is something I want to see happen here. What would be awesome is if he regenerates in the 50th and then for the Christmas special, the new guy regenerates into the 13th Doctor. That would be a twist and would leave us wondering the whole time how they are going to remedy the regeneration issue.
Poor Tennant. He’ll soon find out he still isn’t ginger!