Kai talks Miracle Day’s format, Torchwood’s future

June 10th, 2012
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Kai Owen has been interviewed by ScienceFiction.com. During the Q&A he comments on Torchwood’s ever evolving format, and what the future might hold for Rhys and Gwen.

“Personally I think the alien of the week thing was good,” he explained. “I enjoyed the first 2 series, although Children of Earth was probably it at its best. That story arc over five nights was incredible TV. I liked Miracle Day. It did work, but not as good as Series 3. But it’s constantly evolving. If it comes back, it might have a different format again.”

Speaking about what a future series may involve, he said: “I don’t think Rhys should ever become a member of the team. I do like it when he gets a bit of action, like when he and Gwen go on a little mission. I love that, so maybe some more of that…”

He revealed that the series is “all up in the air at the moment”. “Who knows?” he added.

You can check out WhovianNet’s exclusive interview with Kai, from October 2010, here.

Eve Myles wants a Torchwood movie next year, to “draw a line under” the franchise.

1 comment on this article
  1. BadWolfJen
    June 10th, 2012 at 5.43am | #1

    I agree, I don’t think Rhys shouldbecome a member of the Torchwood team.

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