Returning character, new plot details are revealed?

June 21st, 2012
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The Daily Star is once again out in force today with another fresh rumour about the new series of Doctor Who.

The tabloid claims that Steven Moffat’s planning to “shake up the show” by bringing back a familiar face. Not only that, but an interesting relationship will be established between the returning character and the new companion, as played by Jenna-Louise Coleman.

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“Doctor Who’s lesbian shocker”
The newspaper reports that Neve McIntosh will be reprising her role as Madame Vastra, who will be seen to “get the hots” for Jenna’s character. A source said: “Steven Moffat loves to shake up the show, and what better way to do it than with a lesbian storyline?”

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20 comments on this article
  1. James
    June 21st, 2012 at 6.39pm | #1

    Just the mention of “Daily Star” is good cause for taking this with a valley load of salt.

  2. Adam Towers
    June 21st, 2012 at 7.35pm | #2

    Bullsh*t levels are off the charts with this one.

  3. TWWL
    June 21st, 2012 at 7.56pm | #3

    Obviously there’s a chance the character might return in some way, and say some mildly flirty things to her, in a Captain Jack style manner, but the idea that there will be some sort of lesbian storyline seems obviously false.

  4. James
    June 21st, 2012 at 8.35pm | #4

    I agree, it’s very likely Vastra will return at some point (I blieve I remember The Moff saying he’d like her back) but the rest I don’t believe, unless it’s just mild flirting here and there like Captain jack and River, as you say.

  5. BadWolfJen
    June 21st, 2012 at 9.30pm | #5

    I don’t see wht the big deal is. Who cares if a copple of charters are lesbians.

  6. JC
    June 21st, 2012 at 10.34pm | #6

    A lesbian Silurian and her (presumably, we don’t know) human lover……..enough to give you a headache.

    Obviously, this is the Daily Star talking, so you’re looking through the rubbish tip for a speck of gold.

    Having said that, if this was true, I’d question Moffat.

    So RTD redesigned the Daleks. Moffat redesigned the Daleks.

    RTD created Jack Harkness, Moffat created the forgettable Vastra (I had to look her up to remember).

    Perhaps I’m being unreasonable. At least it means I can look forward to outer space police for hire that have the heads of elephants.

  7. Patrick
    June 21st, 2012 at 10.52pm | #7

    I’m really pleased Vastra returning :) enjoyed her character in a gmgtw. what are peoples problems with her?

  8. rpfomega
    June 21st, 2012 at 11.42pm | #8

    How is this any kind of serious shake up after Captain Jack?

  9. wmartin
    June 22nd, 2012 at 12.47am | #9


    RTD did not create Jack, Moffat did. Besides Jack’s carater had quite a lot of episodes and even a spin-off series to develop, while Madame Vastra had only a few minutes screen time!

  10. JC
    June 22nd, 2012 at 2.17am | #10

    Fair point, I was distracted when I wrote that post, surprised I got his name right at the time.

    In that case, let me correct myself and say that, like the similarities between the Weeping Angels and the Silence, Vastra and Jack are at risk of being similar too if Moffat isn’t careful.

  11. JC
    June 22nd, 2012 at 2.41am | #11

    Hold on, let me change my post again.

    Having read online, RTD did create Jack Harkness. According to production notes, RTD named him Jax Harkness but later abandoned the name “Jax” for Jack and he asked Moffat to include the character in his stories, as he was due to appear only in the last episodes of Series 1.

    This would make sense when you consider that apart from his first two episodes or so, Moffat never wrote for Jack Harkness again, so he’s been developed fully by RTD and his team.

  12. Grace
    June 22nd, 2012 at 4.09am | #12

    Ah, no wonder why we still like Jack!

  13. Calli Arcale
    June 22nd, 2012 at 4.40am | #13

    Vastra would be cool to see again; the actress was clearly greatly enjoying herself, and there’s a lot you could do with her. On the other hand, she’s practically a gift to fanfic writers; maybe she should stay that way. Let the fans’ collective imaginations run wild with her. Also, honestly, I think what I’d most like to see with her is a comic book set in Victorian London, showing her vigilante activities. That would be fun. ;-)

  14. Patrick
    June 22nd, 2012 at 8.44am | #14

    @Calli Arcale
    The actress who played Vastra also played them 2 silurians in series 5 2 parter forget their name though :P

  15. Ian
    June 22nd, 2012 at 11.43am | #15

    Providing they name the episode Tipping The Scales, I’m very much down with this :)

  16. shawn
    June 22nd, 2012 at 12.26pm | #16

    i think this is rubbish and its not a shake up been there and done that remember captian jack harkens just saying

  17. shawn
    June 22nd, 2012 at 12.27pm | #17

    sorry for the second post but i meant harkness not harkens

  18. Steve
    June 22nd, 2012 at 6.43pm | #18

    Oh dear. if this it true, it is another un-original idea from the man who is supposed to be so clever that he thinks any one who criticises him is “fairly stupid”. Come On Moffat, how about some thing new and original?!!!!

  19. Stormageddon
    June 24th, 2012 at 7.43am | #19


    JUST a valley load ? ! lol ! I would take this with a UNIVERSE load of salt lol !

  20. Melody Kondrael
    June 25th, 2012 at 4.54am | #20

    I just don’t see this happening. It reminds me of the Benedict Cumberbatch as the Master rumour a while back… I just don’t see it happening.

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