Comic Con: Pond exit is their “most epic” story yet

July 19th, 2012
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

Karen Gillan has teased that Amy and Rory’s final story is, rather fittingly, their “most epic episode yet”.

The on screen couple will be leaving the TARDIS in Series 7 in an episode that was filmed in New York. “The sheer scale of it is just incredible,” the actress said at Comic Con. “Plus New York looks amazing!”

Arthur Darvill agreed: “Yeah, it was really difficult to film, as there’s just so much in it – and Karen couldn’t stop crying!”

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2 comments on this article
  1. Shauna Curtis
    July 20th, 2012 at 12.19am | #1

    It will be said to see Amelia go! I’ve come to love her and her family! Also i named my daughter after her lol!

  2. Steve
    July 20th, 2012 at 5.26pm | #2

    Yes Karen, we get it! It follows the usual, “this one is heart breaking”, “that one will be exiting” etc.
    My own major excitement at this story is that finally, Amy Pond will be gone and a new companion wil be on the horizon! Yahhhhhhh!!!!!!!

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