Matt would like Billie to return for 50th anniversary

August 24th, 2012
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Matt Smith has revealed that he would love Billie Piper to return for Doctor Who’s 50th anniversary.

The Eleventh Doctor actor starred alongside the Rose Tyler actress in The Ruby in the Smoke (2006) and The Shadow in the North (2007). They also appeared on screen together in Secret Diary of a Call Girl (2007). Smith’s told The Sun that Piper is at the top of his own personal list of companion comebacks for the show’s landmark year. He said: “I would say Rose because I am good friends with Billie.”

However David Tennant recently suggested that the actress “probably wouldn’t come back” after her original exit and eventual returns in Series 4 and The End of Time, Part Two. Billie’s also admitted that the “ship has sailed” on her time in the TARDIS.

Above – Billie Piper made a triumphant return as Rose Tyler in Series 4’s Turn Left.

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5 comments on this article
  1. Tom Versey
    August 24th, 2012 at 11.48pm | #1

    Funny moment when you read “That the ship has sailed on her time in the TARDIS” and you immediately think back to Voyage Of The Damned. To be really honest with you, I think the 50th should be a time of celebration for the Doctor himself, not all about his companions.

  2. Shauna Curtis
    August 25th, 2012 at 7.00pm | #2

    I agree with matt! I would love to see Rose back AGAIN! Also captain Jack for sure!

  3. e.p
    August 28th, 2012 at 12.57am | #3

    @Shauna Curtis
    I’d love to see Capt. Jack back as well! Especially since everything’s been eerily quiet on the Torchwood front, it would be nice to see him again, and he hasn’t met #11 yet!

  4. amber
    October 3rd, 2012 at 6.28pm | #4

    Me too i hope she wants to return … because she’s the best companion.She needs to realise that.

  5. maddy
    December 7th, 2012 at 8.49am | #5

    I actually have a theory on how she could return, if moffat wants to use it (I would actually be honored):
    So the metacrisis is a timelord stuck in a human body, right? And so is (was?) Donna, right? And everybody remembers what happened to her. That’s right, she almost burned up, except the doctor, being the magnificent timelord he is saved her, only there was no time lord for handy.
    Now, after losing both of her doctors, rose becomes horribly upset, triggering a TINY bit of the Bad Wolf left inside of her, and since the Bad Wolf is as much a part of the TARDIS as it is rose, it takes her to where she needs to be most (obvoiusly the TARDIS herself) as well as slowing down her aging pattern to 1/1000000000000*(insert any extra zeros here) of it’s original rate, thus allowing her to travel indefinately with the Doctor.
    If anyone can send this to moffat, I will be forever grateful, he needs some new doctor/rose material.
    p.s. I feel really guilty killing off handy, but it seemed like a moffat manuver, so I went with it.

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