Pond Life mini-episode confirmed – find out more!

August 22nd, 2012

The BBC’s confirmed that a new Doctor Who mini-episode entitled ‘Pond Life’ will be premiered next week!

The adventure will play out online across 5 consecutive days starting next Monday – 27th August – at noon, leading up to the premiere of Series 7 on Saturday 1st August.

Written by Chris Chibnall, it offers an insight into how Amy and Rory have been getting on since we last saw them at the end of The Doctor, The Widow and The Wardrobe.

WATCH the latest Series 7 preview for plenty of Daleks, dinosaurs and drama!

“Pond Life provides us all with a lovely opportunity to catch up with Amy and Rory,” explained Chris Chibnall. “Travelling with the Doctor is one of the greatest things you can do, but it’s fun to spend a few moments looking at the chaos he can bring…”

Executive Producer Caroline Skinner added: “Chris has written a beautiful, heartfelt and wickedly funny piece about the adventures the Ponds have been having with the Doctor since we last saw them on our screens. It’s not long till the series itself will be back with a vengeance – but in the meantime, Pond Life is a truly heart-warming piece about our best-loved companions and the ongoing madcap relationship with their raggedy Doctor.”

Above – Karen Gillan (Amy) and Arthur Darvill (Rory) introduce fans to Pond Life.

Pond Life, directed by Saul Metzstein, will then be shown in its entirety on the BBC’s Red Button throughout the day on Saturday 1st September before Asylum of the Daleks

See the latest Series 7 headlines to discuss all the developments as and when…


8 comments on this article
  1. Desariella
    August 22nd, 2012 at 5.18pm | #1

    Will these episode be available to all or will the videos be “region locked” on the website?

  2. Sandra Curran
    August 22nd, 2012 at 8.44pm | #2

    Looking forward to the new series of Doctor Who. Will Pond Life be on the Doctor Who website , i hope it will as i will be working late and cannot get access to it until i get in late at night.

  3. Mia
    August 22nd, 2012 at 9.27pm | #3

    Looking very much forward to these mini episodes! It will make the wait a bit shorter. :)

  4. JC
    August 22nd, 2012 at 10.18pm | #4

    I look forward to this mini-series.

    As Mia said, will make the wait for Series 7 seem a bit shorter, almost a warm-up to the main event.

  5. Calli Arcale
    August 23rd, 2012 at 9.23pm | #5

    If it’s region-locked, hopefully they will do as they did for the prequels in the US last season, and put it out on iTunes for free.

  6. Steve
    August 24th, 2012 at 7.11pm | #6

    What a great title – Pond Life. Nicked off course but on par for SM. But really, why???? Who cares. Amy Pond is boring, unimaginative and in all honesty, the worst companion ever!

  7. TE
    August 24th, 2012 at 7.56pm | #7

    This is looking fantastic!

  8. Tom Versey
    August 25th, 2012 at 11.34pm | #8

    I’m really excited that we get to see, well.. The title says it, “Pond Life.” because we only have just over a month left of the amazing Ponds :) But I’m not watching it until Saturday! I’m going to wait till the Omnibus on Saturday afternoon, that way I haven’t to wait so long on the Saturday for Doctor Who.

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