Chris Chibnall says next episode is “really unusual”

Chris Chibnall has described this Saturday’s new episode of Doctor Who as “really unusual” as it has a “different feel”.
The writer told SFX that the episode was both “wonderful and terrifying” to write as “it’s very different” to what we’ve seen. “The Power of Three is Doctor Who told from Amy and Rory’s point of view,” he explained. “We’re in the last days of the Ponds, so it is a chance to see where they have got to in their lives since The Eleventh Hour – so it is very different because really, they’re part-time travellers.”
He continued: “They are living at home, then the Doctor pops in and goes, ‘Shall we go somewhere?’. They’re not permanently with him and I wanted to see what that’d mean.”
The Power of Three airs this Saturday at 7:30pm on BBC One – watch the trailers here!
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