Full length trailer for Christmas Special is revealed!

November 16th, 2012
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

The full length preview for this year’s Doctor Who Christmas Special has just been premiered on Children in Need!

Preceded by a specially shot introduction by Matt Smith and Jenna-Louise Coleman, the trailer gives us plenty of unseen and exciting clips to speculate over. As well as that, the title of the festive episode is confirmed as The Snowmen – and the new companion is named as… Clara! We’re sure you will all be walking in the air after you see it, so don’t you wait a minute longer… Its prequel was also released tonight.

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6 comments on this article
  1. Tom Versey
    November 16th, 2012 at 9.36pm | #1

    I like the name of the new episode! “The Snowmen” looks so original and amazing! And Clara is a great name :) :O Now I really can not wait till Xmas :D The trailer was epic.

  2. Steve
    November 16th, 2012 at 10.21pm | #2

    I am not sure about, it looks like a rip off from Eureka’s brilliant Snow Ninja’s.

  3. JC
    November 17th, 2012 at 3.10pm | #3

    The Snowmen is a good title. I questioned the originality of the title with Moffat’s history, I half expected to hear Aled Jones singing “We’re Walking In The Air”, but then I saw the living snowmen and have given him the benefit of the doubt.

    I liked the prequel to the Christmas Special too. As I’ve said before, as have others, I really want to see the darker side of the Doctor and that prequel was a taster of that.

    The Doctor in the shadows as Madame Vastra and the others try and interest him in fake occurances and still from the shadows, the Doctor asks:

    “Why do you keep doing this?……..What is the point?………I have told you, I KEEP telling you, I don’t do this anymore, I’m retired”

    Then he tells them they’re wasting their time and disappears behind a passing horsedrawn carriage.

    The tone of his voice, the darkness on his face. The 11th Doctor is becoming more and more interesting to me, the question is whether or not Moffat is going to throw away that darkness in two seconds flat.

    I hope Moffat uses the pain of losing Amy and Rory, to add to what happened with Rose, Martha and Donna. I also hope that just because he finds a new Companion, it won’t just evaporate as it has in the past.

    Two great trailers for the Christmas Special, I’m looking forward to it.

  4. Holly Ryan
    December 9th, 2012 at 10.30pm | #4

    I have to say I am probably am the biggest whovian there is! I have been watching it since I was little and I have to say matt smith is the sexiest and best doctor! I am actually counting down the days on the calender and I am genuinly peeing my pants! I even ordered a fez and a bow tie too watch doctor who in! I may look like your normal popular dumb blonde but underneath there is an intellectual book worm with an obsession over doctor who and sexy matt smith!!

  5. Karen
    December 15th, 2012 at 6.37pm | #5

    Snowmen not so good of a title I love them, just may not like them after this show, just like clowns with the movie IT, Bloody hate them now.

  6. Karen
    December 15th, 2012 at 6.40pm | #6

    @Holly Ryan
    same here been watching it for a while, my mom got me to watching them, but I must say didn’t know they had any in the 80s. BBCAmer needs to have a all weekend marathon of ALL the Doctor Who shows , that is all 11 of them so we can see them progress through time….

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