Competition – Sonic Screwdriver Remote Control!

December 19th, 2012

We are thrilled to reveal today that, courtesy of The Wand Company, we’ve a Sonic Screwdriver Remote Control to giveaway to one lucky WhovianNet visitor!

The screwdriver was released back in the summer to critical acclaim and it has been billed as “the must have accessory” for all Doctor Who fans this Christmas. It works by utilising infrared technology to control entertainment systems, such as TVs, docks and DVD players around the home. Fancy the chance of getting your hands on it? Here’s how…

You may remember earlier this month we invited visitors to send in photos of all their Doctor Who inspired and themed Christmas decorations. We are still on the look out for contributions, and now there’s an added bonus! Whoever sends in the best picture/s (or, whoever has decked out their house in the most timey-wimey style!) will take home our Screwdriver prize! Submit your pics via [email protected] or @WhovianNet.

The winner will be contacted on Boxing Day. All prior contributions will also be counted!

2 comments on this article
  1. Mia
    December 19th, 2012 at 5.00pm | #1

    Is this competition open internationally? :)

  2. kirsty
    June 13th, 2013 at 3.04pm | #2

    Is this compotition still on and if it is how do you apply for it

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