BBC confirms 50th anniversary special will be in 3D

The BBC has confirmed that a special Doctor Who episode will be broadcast in 3D to mark the 50th anniversary!
Ben Stephenson, Controller of BBC’s Drama, has promised that fans will be able to enjoy the Doctor’s adventures “like never before” when the Time Lord enters “a new dimension” as part of the landmark festivities later this year.
“It’s about time,” Steven Moffat said. “Technology has finally caught up with Doctor Who.”
He joked: “Your television’s now bigger on the inside for a new dimension of adventure.”
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Thanks to JC for the news!
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And if you don’t have a 3d TV…
I can’t help but think of it as a tacky gimmick. I have to question whether they are going to only show a 3D version because I hate 3D, my eyes and mind just can’t get round it and I end up with a headache.
Imagine, the number of people and Movie Directors out there that hate 3D and yet, the BBC may only make the special for people who like it.
Another failure on the part of the BBC! Doctor Who special in 3D has already been done, albeit badly – “Dimensions In Time”!
Having said that, if there is going to be a 2D version as well, I don’t really mind. I just don’t want the 50th Anniversary Special to just be red and blue
I think the eleventh doctor would be proud since he always carried a pair of 3d glasses along with him. I think it’s a brilliant idea. Im excited!!!
That was the Tenth Doctor and not always, just in Army of Ghosts and Doomsday, since he could observe the void stuff with them.
That doesn’t count, it was just a silly joke. I say joke, it wasn’t funny.
I don’t mind as if you like 3d and have a 3d tv then great! Watch it. If you don’t then they WILL show the 2d one.
I think its a good idea to have it also in 3D because those who enjoy 3D would certainly enjoy it. If it doesn’t work there is always 2D but its good to have both so you can experience the both.
I think it must have a 3D option for the guys who owns a 3D tv but it must also have a 2D option so the other people can watch it clearly
The 3D version is only being shown on BBC HD; SD will be on BBC One and HD on BBC One HD. To be honest, I think it’ll be a great experience in cinemas given the fact that it’s actually being filmed in 3D rather than converted in post-production. As long as they don’t do anything gimmicky, it should be alright.
I think it’l be a great idea! Okay so the DW special Dimensions in Time was 3D, and it wasnt very good, but that was 1993. 3D has evoveld now from the old blue and red glasses to the awesome effects that we see nearly all the time in cinema nowadays.
It was going to happen someday, and lets be happy Doctor Who is staring it.