Paul McGann on 50th, Chris Eccleston involvement

April 23rd, 2013
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Paul McGann’s admitted he hasn’t yet been invited back for the 50th special, noting “it’s not quite the anniversary yet”.

The actor, who played the Eighth Doctor in the 1996 movie, told ZBTV that he and his fellow former Time Lords from the Classic Series are still waiting to find out if they’ll be needed in the 3D episode, which is currently being filmed. “Knowing the industry as I do, they’ll call us on the Friday and say we are going in on the Monday,” he suggested. “That is always how it is. So we won’t know until the eleventh hour.”

He also commented on the ongoing will he won’t he speculation surrounding Christopher Eccleston’s involvement, referring to a report on Digital Spy which suggested Chris had “decided not to be in the episode” after a meeting with Steven Moffat. Paul said: “I don’t want to speak for him, but he might be reluctant to get involved in anything so ongoing.”

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8 comments on this article
  1. JC
    April 23rd, 2013 at 1.59pm | #1

    With the news the 10th Doctor and Rose were coming back, I started looking forward to the 50th Anniversary, but the one thing that is missing for me now is the 8th Doctor.

    I’d really hope Steven Moffat has considered including him, as he has been such a prominent figure in the Revived Series, being the Doctor that fought the Time War.

    Interestingly, though probably not related, there’s an image from this Saturday’s “Journey To The Centre Of The Tardis” that shows a book in what I presume is the library with the title “Tome of The Time War”.

    I think, at least, McGann deserves to be part of the main Doctor Who series and get some real screen-time as the 8th Doctor.

    Russell T. Davies counted him as the 8th Doctor, creating the lore of the Time War and Paul deserves more than a dodgy American TV movie from the mid 90s.

  2. JC
    April 23rd, 2013 at 2.43pm | #2

    Correction, the book is called “The History of The Time War”

  3. joshrr
    April 23rd, 2013 at 5.01pm | #3

    I would love to see Paul Mcgann back again as the 8th Doctor,as 1. I loved the T.V movie, 2.his performance on the audio drama’s by Big Finish are brilliant, especially Dark Eyes, and 3. the 8th Doctor hasnt yet faced the Time War, so I think it would be great if he met the 10th and 11th Doctor, who are both dark since the Time War.

  4. Calli Arcale
    April 24th, 2013 at 4.40am | #4

    Well, other reports say that Moffatt did try to talk him into it, but was ultimately unsuccessful.

  5. Calli Arcale
    April 24th, 2013 at 4.42am | #5

    Him being Eccleston. I’ve not heard anything about any classic Doctors, including McGann, who is of course the youngest-looking of any of them. He could easily be recast as the Doctor; you could get away with McCoy, and they’ve already gotten away with Davison, but I’m afraid neither of the Bakers could do it anymore, having changed too much. As much as Tom Baker is my Doctor, he really has aged a great deal physically. Both of them have awesome voices, though, and I’d love to see them used in some other capacity. Voice-only roles, or recast as somebody else.

  6. JC
    April 24th, 2013 at 2.37pm | #6

    @Calli Arcale
    Yeah, I know about Eccleston, I was pretty angry that day, lol.

    I was talking about McGann when I said I’d hope Moffat had really considered including him.

  7. Winterall
    April 27th, 2013 at 5.58am | #7

    If nothing else, the 8th to 9th regeneration could be shot on a hand held camera at McGann’s place. Im sure some special effects guy who is a fan could spice it up.( hint hint peter jackson )…write that episode mr. Jackson and i’ll build you a Dalek myself…I’ll pay you with a small army of daleks. Moffat can go make out with a kroll! 4 not filming an 8th to 9th. -

  8. JC
    April 27th, 2013 at 4.56pm | #8

    I think if Eccleston is so against returning, as it seems he is, then the only way we’re going to see an 8th/9th Doctor regeneration is in animated form with someone else doing Eccleston’s voice.

    Having said that, he’d probably have to agree that his image could be used and he may decline that as well.

    I try and be understanding though. If Eccleston did it when he really didn’t want to and we knew that, seeing the 9th Doctor again wouldn’t be a great experience.

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