Big Finish Who license renewed to December 2016

June 10th, 2013

Great news for fans of Big Finish’s Who audio adventures – their license has been extended until December 2016!

Their executive producer, Jason Haigh-Ellery, described it as a “privilege” as they look to the future of their collaboration with the BBC and AudioGO.

“This year marks my 7th anniversary as executive producer at Big Finish,” Nicholas Briggs added. “I am looking forward to the possibilities and the exciting developments ahead.”

Line producer David Richardson commented: “We couldn’t be happier. We have so many tales to tell for the first eight Doctors and the companions that will surprise and delight.”

In November they will be releasing The Light at the End, a multi-Doctor adventure for the 50th anniversary featuring many of the prominent stars from the Classic Series.

3 comments on this article
  1. Steve
    June 10th, 2013 at 4.19pm | #1

    It’s a stunning achievement. Well done Big Finish. For me, Big Finish is run by people who understand and care about Doctor Who. I wish Steven Mofatt showed the same passion!!!

  2. joshrr
    June 10th, 2013 at 5.13pm | #2

    YEEESSS! Brriliant! I love Big Finish Doctor Who!

  3. TWWL
    June 12th, 2013 at 9.50am | #3

    He does, you just don’t like his take.

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