Missy will “surprise everyone” in Series 9

Doctor Who producer Brian Minchin has promised that Missy will “surprise everyone” in Series 9.
It has previously been confirmed that Michelle Gomez will be reprising her role as the renegade Time Lady for the two-part series opener, The Magician’s Apprentice and The Witch’s Familiar, which has been described as the show’s “darkest plot ever”.
“Missy is brilliant and we couldn’t wait to work with Michelle again,” he told SFX. “It’s the perfect story to bring her back.”
He added: “But it’s not going to be Missy as you expect her to be. You will get to see some new sides to her this series and you will learn more about her relationship with the Doctor.”
Filming for Series 9 is currently underway. It’s scheduled to air on BBC One in the autumn.
I’d really like to know more about The Doctor and The Master, but I’m cautious about what Moffat will say about their relationship, especially with how he’s written Missy and the 12th Doctor already.
Further along will be “Missy’s Wedding”…. sorry but Moffatt needs to go! He is over obsessed with the Doctor falling for someone and it is getting boring!
IDK, the idea of the Doctor and the Master being in a relationship isn’t exactly a new one.
I mean, I don’t do that “shipping” stuff, but I’ve always had a suspicion. Moreso since watching the classics.
I have serious issues with a relationship between The Doctor and Missy.
Firstly, even though she’s The Mistress now, inside she’s The Master and just changing his sex won’t change who he has been for his entire life.
Secondly, the Master is bad and The Doctor tries to be good. I’ve heard of opposites attract, but that would be ridiculous.
I can easily believe they were friends once and I can believe some of that remains in both of them, considering some of the scenes we saw between The 10th Doctor and The Master, but anything more? I wouldn’t buy it for a second.
When I look at The Mistress, I don’t see a Time Lady, I see The Master lurking inside her and one day, he’ll be the man he really is again. What happens as The Mistress will impact on that, so Steven Moffat has to be careful with how he writes for her.