Steven discusses Doctor Who movie

Steven Moffat has affirmed that there are currently no plans to make a Doctor Who movie, despite the fact he remains “reasonably confident” that it will happen one day.
Rumours of a film version have been circulating for years but Harry Potter director David Yates added fuel to the fire back in 2011 when he revealed that he had been approached to helm a long awaited feature-length adaptation of the sci-fi series. According to him at the time, production won’t begin on it until 2016/2017 to allow the TV show to reach a point where it can be easily transitioned to the big screen.
According to the showrunner, though, it’s still no closer to coming to fruition. “No one has ever squared the circle on it,” he told Entertainment Weekly. “How can we do it without leaching from the main series, which we’re not allowed to do, because its’s public funded?”
He elaborated: “If it’s going to be a different Doctor, are we going to try and sell two of them at the same time? You don’t have a James Bond on TV and one in the cinema, so if he’s the same guy, when are we going to make it? And Doctor Who is one of the biggest TV shows in the world, so it couldn’t be a medium sized movie. It would have to be colossal.”
The BBC have seemingly been testing the waters by screening Doctor Who ‘event’ episodes in the cinema, all of which have been financial successes at the UK and international box offices. Do you think we’ll ever get to see a full length film, though? Have your say below!
I think I agree. The show is already big, so to do a proper film would require something massive. Someone mentioned that they could have done the Time War if it hadn’t have been for Day of The Doctor, but I wouldn’t have wanted to see that anyway.
I used to think I would, but I’ve changed my mind. The War Doctor and what exactly went on during the Last Great Time War are still shrouded in mystery, as we’ve only seen the very beginning and the very end and I quite like that. It allows for a lot of gaps to be filled in later series and adds to what we don’t know about The Doctor.
Besides, I can’t go to the cinema, so I would have to watch it on DVD anyway, which is exactly the same as watching it on TV. I have to admit to being a bit confused by them not being able to leach from the TV Series though.
IF there is to be a movie maybe make it similar to Day of the Doctor and Deep Breath making it available to watch at the cinema and for those unable to go to the cinema for whatever reason make it available for the tv as well. it proved well with day of the doctor and deep breath so why not?