Deck the halls in DWM #494

December 8th, 2015
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat, and it’s almost time to get your hands on the festive bumper edition of Doctor Who Magazine!

Published this week, the 100-page issue features an exclusive preview of this year’s yuletide escapade, The Husbands of River Song, as the Doctor himself, Peter Capaldi, reveals what lies ahead for the twelfth incarnation of the Time Lord in his second seasonal outing. The episode, of course, marks the return of Alex Kingston as River Song, but how will the Doctor react when she seemingly has no idea who he is?

Doctor Who Magazine #494 is released on Thursday, 10th December, priced at £5.99, and comes with a massive double-sided poster. Basically, it’d be rude not to. Here’s the cover!

Ho ho ho, sweeties! Unwrap the latest news about this year’s Christmas Special…

1 comment on this article
  1. Bigsi
    December 8th, 2015 at 4.42pm | #1

    Its as though this Christmas special will be the opposite of forest of the dead where river meets the doctor for the last time and he does not know who she is and now this time river will meet the 12th doctor for the 1st time and not know who this is, it will be fun to see how this dynamic episode will play out

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