Entries from October 2016
October 31st, 2016

The artwork for the upcoming release of The Power of the Daleks has been revealed.

As we previously reported, the classic, and missing, 6-part Second Doctor serial has been turned into a full-length animation using its surviving stills and audio recordings. It will be available to buy on the BBC Store this Saturday, its 50th anniversary, before being released on DVD on Monday 21st November. The DVD includes a host of exclusive extras including alternative soundtracks, test footage, commentaries and clips from the surviving footage.

Browse the latest Doctor Who products on sale now in our merchandise section…

October 30th, 2016

It’s Hallow’s Eve which means that the spookiest day of the year is almost upon us; a time for pumpkins, trick or treating, and dressing up as our favourite Doctor Who characters and monsters!

Ok, so that last one is pretty much every day of the year, but at least on Halloween we can go to a party dressed up as an Ood and not be the weirdest looking one in the room. It really is the most wonderful time of the year. To celebrate the season, we want to see all your Doctor Who inspired costumes and pumpkins.

We know how much Whovians like to get creative with their festivities, so please send us pictures of your handiwork to [email protected]. We want to see your timey-wimey fancy dress and pumpkin carvings and our favourite one will win an awesome bundle of prizes, including a copy of The Drosten’s Curse by A.L. Kennedy and two Big Finish downloads, Dracula starring Mark Gatiss and Frankenstein starring Arthur Darvill.

The giveaway is open worldwide and you have until 1pm GMT on Friday 4th November 2016 to send in your pictures. The winner will be contacted by email on Saturday 5th November 2016. Now the boring bits are out of the way, we look forward to your entries!

October 30th, 2016

It’s the eve of Halloween which means that our mission to discover the scariest moment in Doctor Who history is almost complete!

There’s still one vital step to go until we can reveal the all-important results, however, and that’s the final vote off which will determine which spine-chilling scene still possesses the power to send you screaming behind the sofa (or hiding behind your cushion, depending on how lazy you are). Thanks to everyone for all your suggestions, the most popular of which we’ve compiled into a poll below.

Cast your votes and the results will be revealed this week. Things are gonna get spooky

This poll is now closed. Thanks to everybody who voted!

October 29th, 2016
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

London is infiltrated by an eerie alien with the ability to morph into the shape of lost loved ones. Confronted with these emotional encounters, the team must overcome the persuasion of this strange new threat, and battle through the streets to stop Tanya from being lost forever.

Class continued this weekend as our heroes found themselves being kept up all night by a tantalising, tentacled temptress (try saying that three times when you’re drunk!). Basically, it was business as usual – but was Nightvisiting a tale worth Charlie & Co staying up for?

The latest episode took place on the second anniversary of Tanya’s father’s sudden death, so obviously the last person she was expecting to see at the end of her bed was her father himself. Was it just teenage angst, or the end of the world? Well, a bit of both, as it turns out, though leaning more towards the latter as it was all an evil ploy by the luring Lankin.

This story was definitely Vivian Oparah’s time to shine, although the other Classmates got a fair crack at the whip, too. As Charlie and Matteusz took their relationship to the next level (*ahem*), April revealed just why she’s always so god damn sensible, and it was third time lucky for Ram who, for the first time this series, didn’t get splattered in blood. (He did get covered in goo, of course, but this is definitely a step in the right direction!)

Ultimately, however, Nightvisiting was a powerful episode with an intriguing premise, but what did you take away from its exploration of death and deception? You can read our review here, but we would love to know if you agree or disagree in the comments below…

October 28th, 2016
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

This week, our Classmates are kept up all night by a soul-sucking temptress as the ghosts of their individual pasts quite literally come back to haunt them. Just whatever you do, do not take their hand…

Three episodes in and, thankfully, Class is showing no signs of running out of speed. Nightvisiting takes the series in another completely different direction whilst still managing to remain true to the established style and characters, whom, it has to be said, we are finding ourselves rapidly falling deeper and deeper in love with.

And ‘deep’ is definitely the right word for this particular story. This terrifying tale of death and deception explores the show’s darkest and most mature theme yet, and it is Vivian Oparah as Tanya who feels the full brunt of the ominous threat when she comes face to face with her father on the second anniversary of his death. The ghostly image of him appearing at the end of her bed is chilling to say the least, but all is not as it seems (well, duh…) as it’s all part of a sinister ploy at the hands of the luring Lankin. Suffice to say, Tanya’s pain of losing her parent so suddenly is still very much raw, which only serves to fuel the foe’s ever increasing power as it is quickly established that it’s drawn to those who have yet to let their lost loved ones go. We told you it got deep, didn’t we?

It’s the sort of deep that’s to be expected from a Young Adult drama, though, especially if you’re familiar with Patrick Ness’ previous work. We’re lucky that the Doctor Who franchise finally has a platform on which it’s free to explore such concepts, and its one that Patrick has touched on several times before. In this scenario, he succeeds in keeping it original and unique to the confines of this particular universe, and the underlying morals and motives are handled effortlessly and beautifully. It’s the overall simplicity of Patrick’s script and its accompanying villain (spoilers: it’s not just bad flu!) that make Nightvisiting such an important and powerful story, and it’s also further proof – if more was even needed – that the imagination of its creator literally knows no bounds. Simply put, Patrick Ness and the Whoniverse are a match made in heaven.

Once again, though, it’s all in the name of sci-fi. There is yet more to discover about our protagonists as the big, bad world around them seemingly comes to its latest end (as Ram correctly points out, this isn’t even the third weirdest thing that he’s seen this month), and it’s a testament to Patrick’s writing that they all still manage to remain relevant – particularly in its limited 45 minute timeframe – as they each bring their own perspective unto the ensuing danger.

The ensemble is once again on top form, with Sophie Hopkins especially adding a new layer to April by revealing just why she’s always so god damn sensible with her account of the ordeal that led to her mother’s life changing injury. Meanwhile, fans of Greg Austin and Jordan Renzo as Charlie and Matteusz (do they have an official ship name yet? Mattie? CharMattz?) will no doubt be pleased to hear that this is the episode in which they take their relationship to the next level (if you know what we mean…), and it goes without saying that Katherine Kelly as Miss Quill is simply the gift that keeps on giving. We particularly enjoyed the scene in which she’s reading The Hunger Games and ponders if it’s based on true events. Stranger things have certainly happened, and Class can definitely vouch for that. Let’s just say, a double decker bus comes in very hand. It’s totally bonkers.

Is it really the end of the world, though, or is it all just a severe case teenage angst? It’s definitely a bonding exercise, but sometimes with Class, it’s hard to tell. But that’s precisely the point. There’s monsters and aliens and Shadow Kins (oh my!), but there’s also a strong, beating heart (no offence, April) which has thus far been carrying us through every episode and leaving us desperate to go back to Class. Nightvisiting is a thinker and we’re sure that the Lankin will stay with you long after you’ve finished watching. There’s plenty more where they came from, of course. In fact, they’re just the tip of the tongue. All in a night’s work, eh?

Class Episode Three, Nightvisiting, is released on BBC Three tomorrow at 10am.

October 23rd, 2016
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

After the series premiere got the ball rolling with a bang (and then some), Episode 2 of Class slows things back down as Ram takes the spotlight in a battle against his own personal demons, but it’s a battle that’s just as important – if not more so – as his showdown with Corakinus.

You’re always left to wonder where a series will go to next after the first episode, and more importantly whether or not it will be able to maintain the pace and momentum of its opening story. You needn’t worry about that in the case of Class, though, as The Coach with the Dragon Tattoo, while a very different kind of tale, still manages to draw you into the aftermath of the horrifying events of the Autumn Prom.

It is Ram who gets most of the attention in this episode, which is the least they could’ve done when you consider just how traumatic and psychologically damaging his experiences at the Prom actually were. It’s no surprise, then, that he’s struggling, both emotionally and psychically, to accept the sheer scale of his ordeal, and not even the distraction of his favourite pastime can help him this time. 1-0 to the Shadow Kin… or is it?

Described as a “football jock” in the official character bios, Ram proves here that he is far more than just a soulless sportsman. The story gave us the opportunity to crack away at his hard-faced exterior to delve deeper into the inner-workings of his mind, something which we’re sure we’ve still only touched the surface of. Fady Elsayed’s performance perfectly conveyed Ram’s overwhelming sense of mourning and grief, whilst highlighting his desperation to perform well on the pitch in what he feels is his only platform in which he can truly succeed (and let’s not forget to mention the fact that for the second time in as many episodes, he ends up with blood all over his face – he’s just getting careless now!).

Patrick Ness said that Class would be character driven, and an episode like this one just reaffirms it. The rest of the cast had their fair crack at the whip, too, as this story brings them one step closer to accepting their new found responsibility as Earth defenders. We’re sure they’ve all pretty much got their heads around the crack in time and space now (that is, just as soon as they’ve settled on a name for it – we’re getting ‘Bunghole of Time’ on a t-shirt!), and no doubt the rest of the protagonists will each get their chance throughout the series to rise to the challenge and escape the confines of the social stereotypes in which they are currently confined.

In a nutshell, The Coach with the Dragon Tattoo was a well-paced story with an interesting premise, although after such an intriguing build up, we couldn’t help but feel that the climax was somewhat anticlimactic. At least Ram got to find some form of acceptance, though, in a sci-fi ‘your football coach is skinning people alive’ sort of way. Miss Quill was on hand to offer some well-timed comic relief, too, as she got tongues wagging with a second, separate adversary who had taken the guise of an ominous Ofsted inspector. It looks like it’s only just the beginning of that particular arc, so it was a nice little teaser of what’s to come. Suffice to say, you’ll never look at your own coach in quite the same way again. Don’t worry, though. You are in control.

October 23rd, 2016

Charlie Brooker has revealed his Doctor Who episode that never was in a recent interview with the Independent.

The writer, whose latest series of the dystopian drama Black Mirror has just been released worldwide on Netflix, confirmed that he previously came close to penning an adventure for the Time Lord before having to decline the invitation due to other commitments. “That would’ve been a really good gig,” he said. “I was approached but just didn’t have the time. It was really annoying, and they haven’t asked me again since. It was like the Home Office asking you to do something.”

Would you like to watch a Doctor Who episode from Charlie Brooker? Let us know below…

October 22nd, 2016
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

While we all celebrate the arrival of Class today, let’s not forget that this date - 22nd October – also marks the anniversary of another Doctor Who spin off.

It was on this day back in 2006 that everything changed when Jack Harkness returned to our screens as the star of his very own series, Torchwood. The show broke ratings records with its premiere on BBC Three, so much so that it was upgraded to BBC Two, and then BBC One, and went on to run for four successful series (or three successful series and Miracle Day, depending on your personal views…).

Whether or not you loved or loathed its last televised adventure, it’s still safe to say that Torchwood took us an epic journey to become a fully-fledged franchise in its own right. It still lives on in the form of audiobook and comic adventures, however we’ll just have to wait and see to find out if the gang (or what remains of it) will ever make it back to the screen, where they belong. It’s been one hell of a decade, though, with Torchwood giving us some of the bravest and more powerful storytelling that the sci-fi world has ever known.

To commemorate the landmark, share with us your cherished Torchwood memories below, and let us know if you’ll be watching any episodes to honour the occasion. Fans can rest assured that John Barrowman is working his little socks off to get Torchwood back on the air, so hopefully it’s only just a matter of time. After all, there’s life in the immortal dog yet!

October 22nd, 2016
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

Following the tragic events at the Prom, a devastated Ram isolates himself from the other three as he struggles with his new reality. Desperate to hold himself together on the football pitch, when he thinks he witnesses someone getting skinned alive he’s convinced he’s cracking up.

Class finally hit the airwaves today and it was a double whammy of drama as we got two episodes for the price of one. Now, you can’t say the good ol’ BBC never give us anything…

As the adventures at Coal Hill School continued in The Coach with the Dragon Tattoo, we rejoined our new gang of honourable heroes as they struggled to accept the traumatic events of their Autumn Prom, as well as their new found responsibility as Earth defenders.

Admittedly, some members of the group were finding it harder to adjust than others, as football jock Ram stepped into the spotlight to face up to his personal demons at the hands of his over bearing coach. There were otherworldly forces at work as he refused to admit defeat, while Miss Quill was dealing with an altogether very different kind of threat, Ofsted. Basically, the end of the stinkin’ world was nigh. But alas, nothing was quite as it seemed…

So, two episodes in and what are you making of Class so far? Who are you loving? Which storylines are intriguing you the most? And did this latest episode change how you feel about your own sports coach? Leave your ratings and reviews in the comments section…

October 22nd, 2016
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

It’s a new term at Coal Hill Academy, and students are preparing for their Autumn Prom. But when the school comes under attack from the monstrous Shadow Kin, four alienated students must form an unlikely alliance to defeat them.

After months of build up and anticipation, the brand new Doctor Who spin off has finally landed. It’s a new term. Fear is coming. Tragedy is coming. But was Class worth the wait?

The first episode of Patrick Ness’ 8-part series took us back to Coal Hill School on the eve of their Autumn Prom, but finding a date was the least of the students’ worries (maybe not for April!) as the corridors were being haunted by sinister shadows and the mysterious disappearance of a fellow pupil was the first in a series of extra terrestrial occurrences that forged the rise of the almighty Shadow Kin. Where is the Doctor when you need him, eh?!

Well, just a stone’s throw away, as it turns out, as everybody’s favourite Time Lord was on hand to help save the day from the malevolent Corakinus, though it is our new generation of honourable heroes that stole the show as an unlikely allegiance was formed to defend Earth and its inhabitants from the horrors that reside inside the crack in time and space…

Under the, albeit reluctant, watch of the devilish Miss Quill, April, Ram, Charlie and Tanya are already a force to be reckoned with, but did For Tonight We Might Die turn out to be the introduction you were hoping for? Share all your thoughts and initial reactions in the comments below. It’s kind of like writing an essay but it’s fun and you’re not being judged (disclaimer: you totally are). You can also read WhovianNet’s review of the episode here.

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