What’s your favourite Steven Moffat series opener?

March 16th, 2017
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

With Steven Moffat’s final full series as showrunner now just under a month away, we’re going back to where it all began (for him, at least) as we embark on a mission to discover his best series opener to date.

It only feels like yesterday that the Eleventh Doctor was crash landing in Amelia Pond’s garden, but The Eleventh Hour – Steven’s first episode at the show’s helm – will mark its 7th anniversary next month. The episode kick started a whole new era, and it’s safe to say that the Moff’s series premieres have been getting bigger and better ever since.

Where do you even start when it comes to Steven’s series openers? Over the years they’ve taken us to the shores of Lake Silencio in Utah (thus beginning one of the most mind-bending story arcs in Who history), Victorian London and even inside the Asylum of the Daleks itself. Say what you like about Moffat, but he definitely knows how to kick off a new series with a bang, and he is about to do it one more time when the Doctor returns to our screens on 15th April in The Pilot, with his next companion, Bill Potts, in tow. Get in!

Before that, though, let’s get nostalgic as we take a fond look back at his past premieres. Which has been your favourite? Let us know by voting in the poll below (and for the sake of continuity, we’ve included the mid-series premieres too!) and explain your choice in the comments. The results will be revealed ahead of the premiere of Series 10, so get voting…

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The Doctor is BACK on 15th April – check out the BRAND NEW, full-length trailer…

3 comments on this article
  1. JoshRrr
    March 16th, 2017 at 9.42pm | #1

    They’re all good, I’d even describe some like Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon as fantastic! All of them serve as wonderful openings to the seasons and I think that’s one of Moffats greatest strengths, he begins and ends the seasons greatly but its the inbetween stuff that’s dodgy.

    For me though I felt an obligation to vote for Eleventh Hour, because of how it was felt like a truly fresh start for a new era of the show, with a simple but entertaining plot that didn’t bloat itself with “Epicenes” or plot twists.
    Moffat in the beginning was at his finest and I will fondly remember those good times!

  2. Steve
    March 16th, 2017 at 11.09pm | #2

    The Steven Moffat years have been the worst in the shows history! Appalling stories, nothing original. Terrible companions. The dreadful slaughter of the theme tunes. That awful console room during the first few years. He should have gone but like JNT, he just dragged it out….

  3. Patrick
    March 17th, 2017 at 11.36am | #3

    Ranked in order from best to worst:
    1) The Eleventh Hour
    2) The Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon
    3) Asylum of the Daleks
    4) The Magicians Apprentice/The Witch’s Familiar
    5) Bell’s of Saint John
    6) Deep Breath
    7) Let’s Kill Hitler

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