This is a very exciting Christmas episode for me this year as it is my first Christmas since I became officially canon. My debut into the Whoniverse was in my beloved Doctor, Peter Capaldi’s first comic in Doctor Who Magazine. Thanks to pencil artist Martin Geraghty, in issue 479 I appear all superheroed up with a swish utility belt and my ubiquitous iPad in part three of The Eye of Torment. In Part four it may seem like I’ve become an alien but really I did a very clever thing with my well hidden Vortex Manipulator and deftly escaped to continue my exciting adventures as Madame H.
I shall be slightly off screen on Christmas Day but if you look very carefully in the corner of the TV you might just spot me eating a tangerine or two. I have rewatched all of the Christmas specials so I can write this article, I am able to be strong for Rose this time and not blub all over the place and I’m a lot more accepting of Donna but I did love the Doctor remembering Rose at the party.
*Twiddles with my Vortex Manipulator* Let’s take a trip together back through the vortex to the Christmas Invasion and my excitedness for A Song For Ten which is barn storming!!
To be totally honest I have post MOOC brain so my essay writing capabilities have gone on holiday as I used them all on my literature course.
(From this point on read my words as fast as you can for the full effect of a Tiggery me) So I am flying by the seat of my Christmas pants and jumping into Jackie Tyler’s front room with my love for David Tennant’s brilliant entrance and his beautiful sexy wink to darling Rose. Then I am jumping onto the roof of the taxi containing a runaway bride and hitching a lift on a spare Segway into an adventure with the very hissy spider lady with an extremely cool live action costume. Ooooh floating about in midair being half a spider.
Whoo it’s snowing and look it’s a woven and inflatable TARDIS, I saw how the basket part was made on How It’s Made, a very stylish programme. Having a Frozen sing song with the two Doctors, weellll one Doctor and someone who thinks he’s a Doctor. Well hello there hoody Master, I love your hoody and red dog collar combo and all these clone Masters in everybody else’s clothes. Nice bit of flirting between the Master and the Doctor and Wilf is way cool. But oh no here come the tears, awwww I don’t want you to go either Mr Tennant.
It’s Matt Smithmas!! Time for Carolly warollies and naughty and nice Amy and Rory having fun with their costumes and a Star Wars/Trekky typical scifi spaceship. AAAAwwwwweeesooommme Shark!! A fabulously acted performance of young Kazran and an unusual story of locking up a woman and only letting her out for you to play with but it’s twisted into some sort of romantic fairytale.
Where’s Aslan? Oh Aslan’s not in this one and the wardrobe’s a TARDIS and there is a cute little boy with adorable bottle top glasses and his pretty sister and a wonderful enchanted bedroom with the most best toys. A floating parcel in the snow looks so magical and it’s all enchanted and fairytale but then it’s a bit Stiltony with all the mum saves the day but squee it’s Xander as the Dad.
Ooooh now it’s Jenna and Victorian Clara who I wish we could have had more of. I love her most as the barmaid with her beautiful red outfit and she cheered up the Doctor. Heelarious Strax is Heelarious with the memory worm encounter and Punch snogged the Doctor. I adore Jenny and all the Paternoster Gang.
Now it’s time to say goodbye to Matt Smith as the Doctor but not before he gets a few more hundred years in with plenty of room for extra stories hiding in books and fanfics. Tasha Lem a very stylish lady with cool eye makeup and lovely sparkly purplyness and oh what a woman our beloved Clara is, persuading the Time Lords to continue the legend therefore enabling us to unwrap a brand new Doctor in the fantastic form of Peter Capaldi.
(Aaaaannnd breath!) When you have certain monsters in your head it can be hard to keep the door shut on the cynical creeptures but I am trying my very best to let my inner child escape and bounce round the house and flap my hands and enjoy the search for the best brand of mince pies. Since we got the Christmas Doctor Who tradition it makes Christmas extra special and I’m very exciting to see wonderful Mr Capaldi in his most sexy hoody and I adore dreams and anything about the psychology of dreams and Santa’s here and slimey wimey monster creatures. Exciting!!
Thank You Santas Davies and Moffat for bringing us a marvellous present to enjoy each year. Merry Christmas Everyone and Lots of Love and Sparkles for a truly fantabulous 2015.
Written by Helen Beeston