Volume Six of Doctor Who Magazine’s In Their Own Words

February 9th, 2010

Doctor Who Magazine will be releasing the sixth and final volume of In Their Own Words later this month, the awesome cover of which was unveiled on its official Facebook group earlier today!

The special edition issue covers the events of the TV Movie right up to production of the 2009/10 specials, with over 110 pages including extracts of interviews previously published in Doctor Who Magazine over the years.


Doctor Who Magazine: In Their Own Words – Volume 6 will be published on Thursday 18th February, priced £6.99, and $13.99 in America. The previous volume, detailing the show from 1987-1996, was released in November 2008, preceded by Volume 4, focusing on 1982-1986, in November 2007. The third volume looked at the years 1977-1981 and was made available in shops in April 2007, while Volume Two (1970-1976) was published in November 2006. The first volume, archiving 1963-1969, was published in November 2005. Stay tuned!

5 comments on this article
  1. Sean
    February 9th, 2010 at 8.49pm | #1

    I don’t normally get these In Their Own Words but might get this one because its my era of doctor who. :D

  2. David
    February 9th, 2010 at 9.17pm | #2

    Looking forward to getting this. When I look at this I remember how excellent all five of them were over the the RTD 2005-10 era.

    Great to see Martha so prominent. I still think that in 20 years or so when people look back she will be remembered far more fondly than she is right now. A fantastic companion, and utterly beautiful onscreen.

  3. David
    February 9th, 2010 at 9.21pm | #3

    Does anyone know if we are going to get a “Specials DWM Companion”? It’s bound to be a slim volume, with only five eps/four stories to cover.

  4. TE
    February 9th, 2010 at 10.06pm | #4

    Yep: DWM #417 has it slated for release on Thursday 15th April, at £5.99.

  5. TSG
    February 9th, 2010 at 10.18pm | #5

    I like the TARDIS with “Bad Wolf” written on it!

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