Happy Birthday, Doctor Who!

November 23rd, 2010

Today is an important day for Doctor Who fans, because it’s the day the series turns one year older!

On this very day 47 years ago, the first ever episode, An Unearthly Child, aired on BBC One, marking the start of an epic journey through time and space that is still very much ongoing over four decades later! So, happy birthday Doctor Who, and here’s to the future! Will you be doing anything special to mark the occasion? Let us know just what Who means to YOU in the comments below!

10 comments on this article
  1. Misato
    November 23rd, 2010 at 12.21am | #1

    (sadly) not growing up with Doctor Who, I only started to enjoy it since the new series started. but… it has become one of my favourite TV series of all time and I’ve built a 1/6th scale TARDIS for my Blythe doll and made her a 10th Doctor suit, complete with sonic screwdriver!
    today (now) I’m wearing my newly knitted 4th Doctor scarf, which is very cosy and comfortable in these chilly days. I’ve been wanting a similar scarf since I was a kid, maybe some subliminal images that remained when I visited the UK and London in the 70’s :D

  2. Kermi
    November 23rd, 2010 at 4.51am | #2

    Happy Birthday Docto and thank you for saving the universe more tmes than i can count !!! truly a fantasitc series ive enjoyed since i was 6 yrs old .. (30 somehting now ). I ve seen the old series the new and I love the series . doctors 1, 3 ,4,5 and david tennant as well .. this newer doc im still getting used to but he dose add a certain something to the doctors persona in his own right … long live the child of gallefrey!

  3. Katie
    November 23rd, 2010 at 12.31pm | #3

    Happy Birthday Doctor! My gift to you is a fez.

    I have decided to celebrate this day by going back and watching the classic series in full (that is, as much as is available) over the next few days/weeks/months.

    So far, I’ve seen An Unearthly Child, half of The Daleks, as well as The Three Doctors, The Five Doctors (I’m a sucker for multi-Doctor episodes), Inferno and The Time Warrior (because I liked Sarah Jane. I instantly fell in love with Pertwee’s Doctor, there’s just something about him). I also saw the Eighth Doctor’s movie – which doesn’t really compare to the TV show, but still.

    Doctor Number Ten is still my favourite, but Matt is only a fraction below him, and I love Pertwee and Davidson (technically the Fifth Doctor was my introduction to Classic Who, ’cause I saw him in Time Crash). I’m sure the other 7 Doctors that I haven’t seen yet will grow on me too.

  4. Sam
    November 23rd, 2010 at 4.37pm | #4

    Happy birthday! Can’t believe it’s been 47 years! I think I’m gonna watch all of the new series from 1 to the specials :D

  5. Last_of_the_timelords
    November 23rd, 2010 at 4.59pm | #5

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY ,what does who mean to mean, EVERYTHING

  6. rachel
    November 23rd, 2010 at 6.26pm | #6

    Happy Birthday Doctor Who! Sadly I didn’t see the original episodes (wasn’t born at the time). I absolutly love it and it has completed my life. I hope Who continues for many more years to come. 3 years to 50!

  7. Steve
    November 23rd, 2010 at 6.45pm | #7

    Doctor Who. 47 years old. Started with viewing figures of 4.4 million and went on to some of the best viewing figures in the 1970’s when there was little choice. For me, David Tennant can never stand up to those greats who made Doctor Who a tv series to be reckoned with. Even during the 10th Doctor’s best stories, there was no way the marmite writing of RTD can match the imagination of the producers, story editors etc of those classic years. 3 Years to 50 years, can the BBC continue to produce such a great show…….

  8. Ellen
    November 23rd, 2010 at 7.05pm | #8

    Happy Birthday!! Too bad the Tv is being used :( The guy watching the TV dosnt care about Doctor Who im appauled:O

  9. lewiswatson
    November 23rd, 2010 at 7.34pm | #9

    Happy Birthday Doctor Who,you are my life and i will celebrate by watching an entire dvd of each doctor (1-11)I wish you a very good future and plenty more years and doctors to come!

  10. Ellen
    November 23rd, 2010 at 8.36pm | #10

    Happy Birthday again lol you are my life now and i will always love you :)

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