Comic Con: Matt on Edgar Wright, “brilliant” Jenna

Matt Smith spoke to MTV Geek at Comic Con and revealed that he’d love the opportunity to work with Edgar Wright on Doctor Who.
The actor believes the director, best known for helming such films as Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz, would have the “perfect” vision for the series. “He’s wonderful,” Matt said. “I want him to come and do Doctor Who! We would never get him, but he is perfect. I think he is one of the most exciting filmmakers out there.”
Wright has since responded to this interview via Twitter, posting: “I love you too Who.”
Meanwhile, Matt commented on the changes that are coming up in the series, explaining that it will always rely on new cast members to keep it fresh. He finished: “There will be a Doctor after me and there will be companions. It will just keep going – the show is the star. So we welcome, and embrace Jenna-Louise Coleman, who will be just brilliant.”
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An episode of Who directed by Edagr Wright would immense. Just imagine his slick direction and approach would work so well and be so refreshing.
As Simon Pegg has already been in Who, bring in Nick Frost and the trio would be complete.
It’s a shame he Pegg and Frost are working on The World’s End at the moment, which may mean it’ll never happen, but you never know.