Comic Con: TWO Series 7 episode titles confirmed!

July 16th, 2012

Two more Series 7 episode titles were revealed during the Doctor Who panel at Comic Con yesterday!

First up, Episode 2 of the new series is called Dinosaurs on a Spaceship. It’s written by Chris Chibnall and directed by Saul Metzstein. Funnily enough, the title of the episode was previously confirmed by the Daily Star back in May.

The episode is followed by A Town Called Mercy, penned by Toby Whithouse and also directed by Saul Metzstein.

According to a press release issued today, the dinosaur adventure required “one of the largest sets to date”. It guest stars Mark Williams as Rory’s father, Brian, and Rupert Graves as Riddell, “a big game hunter”. The Western-themed episode, meanwhile, was filmed on location in Spain. It co-stars Adrian Scarborough and Ben Browder.

“Dinosaurs On A Spaceship – what more do you need! The Doctor will come face to face with some of the most monstrous creatures evolution has ever produced, on some of the most monstrous sets we’ve ever built,” Steven Moffat said. “We took one look at Chris Chibnall’s brilliant script and said to ourselves ‘We’re going to need a bigger corridor’. And Toby Whithouse’s A Town Called Mercy takes us into a genre Doctor Who hasn’t attempted since the Sixties – it’s a full blooded Western. We knew from the start we need some serious location shooting for this one, and given the most iconic American setting imaginable, there was only one place to go – Spain.”

The new series is expected to begin on BBC One next month. In the opening episode, Asylum of the Daleks, the Doctor will face off every Dalek EVER – rather him than us!

Click here for our Comic Con 2012 news, including cast & crew panel updates!

WATCH the Series 7 trailer for a preview of the Doctor’s Wild West adventure!

See the latest Series 7 headlines to discuss all the developments as and when…

7 comments on this article
  1. Steve
    July 16th, 2012 at 10.05pm | #1

    Great way toi shape up the new series –

    Asylum of the Daleks – Asylum of the Damned (2003)
    Dinosaurs on a Spaceship – Snakes on a Plane (2006)
    A Town Called Mercy – A Town Like Alice (1956)

    Sorry but I am still waiting for something original to come from Steven Moffat!

  2. Borusa
    July 17th, 2012 at 7.28am | #2


    Titles have been ripped off all sorts of things as have Doctor Who stories, most obviously during the Philip Hinhcliffe era when they ripped off so many Hollywood films from the 1950s. An era which of course is regarded as the Golden Era of the show.

    So this is hardly anything new and can’t say that everything previously and in the Classic Series was original. Even the Classic Series had some very unimaginative titles. At its core nothing is truly original, so why shouldn’t Moffat be allowed to use titles from elsewhere?

    And Steve if you truly don’t like where the show is heading then stay off this site. It’s not going to change anytime soon and anything Moffat does you’ll dislike because you want to dislike it.

    For me the titles are fine and don’t bother me. It’s the content that’s important and that’s what I’ll judge the episodes on, not their titles.

  3. AnnaChildofGallifrey
    July 17th, 2012 at 6.15pm | #3

    Ha! I’ve gotta admit you’re right there, Steve. I completely agree! (Good name that…Steve…I like it. Do you know, I’ve got a small, purple plastic tortoise called Steve.)

  4. Mia
    July 17th, 2012 at 10.38pm | #4

    Episode titles are inspired by other things all the time – not only with Doctor Who, but a lot of other shows as well. You just can’t put too much into the title of an episode… It’s the story that counts, just like Borusa is saying.

  5. TWWL
    July 18th, 2012 at 9.20am | #5

    It’s what you do with it that counts. And the idea that Moffat doesn’t bring anything fresh is wrong.

  6. TWWL
    July 18th, 2012 at 9.21am | #6

    Also, why has one of my comments been deleted?

  7. TWWL
    July 18th, 2012 at 9.22am | #7

    Quite, there’s a long history of Who stories (And, you know, stories in general) being inspired by other things and putting their own spin on it. There’s nothing wrong with that.

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