NEW Series 7 pictures from Asylum of the Daleks…

August 15th, 2012
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

To coincide with the Doctor Who BFI screening which took place last night the BBC has released a bundle of unseen images from the first 3 episodes of Series 7.

Starting at the beginning (it’s a very good place to start!), here’s the latest shots from the premiere, Asylum of the Daleks, preceded by an epic poster that promises bountiful amounts of drama, tension and, most importantly, Daleks!

Check out the pictures – and share your thoughts – below…

WATCH the latest Series 7 preview for plenty of Daleks, dinosaurs and drama!

Above – The promotional poster for the premiere episode of the brand new series.

Above – The Doctor (Matt Smith) with Amy (Karen Gillan) and Rory (Arthur Darvill).

Above – What’s in the box that always rocks? The Doctor pays a visit to his best friends.

Above – A familiar shot from the trailer, but blimey… that’s a lot of Daleks isn’t it!?

Above – A heartbreaking sight… “Who killed all the Daleks?” “Who do you think?”

Above – BEHIND THE SCENES: Matt Smith looking particularly brooding between takes.

See the latest Series 7 headlines to discuss all the developments as and when…

2 comments on this article
  1. Simon
    August 15th, 2012 at 5.28am | #1

    when will it come to bbc already come on….

  2. AnnaChildofGallifrey
    August 15th, 2012 at 4.50pm | #2

    Wow! Series 7 looks fantastic! And what a brilliant poster! Come on BBC, get a move on! I can’t wait much longer…

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