When 11 become 12 – the Peter Capaldi reactions!

Last night and after weeks of discussion, actor Peter Capaldi was announced as the brand new Doctor and it’s safe to say the internet went into a complete meltdown!
The Thick of It star was revealed in the role during a special live show on BBC One that was also broadcast around the world which meant there was a simultaneous global reaction to his casting as fans in the UK, USA, Canada and Australia and other countries took to social network websites to share their initial reactions.
The news of Capaldi’s casting was met with a tidal wave of generally positive responses on Twitter with an array of celebrities, former cast members and fans summarising their thoughts in 140 characters or less – Mark Gatiss defined Peter as “the perfect choice” and Stephen Fry agreed that the BBC has picked “a wonderful actor”. “The show is in perfect hands” predicted former companion Freema Agyeman as her ex-Torchwood co-star John Barrowman welcomed Capaldi to the ever-growing “Doctor Who family”.
“Thrilling, moving, beyond exciting. Cometh the hour, cometh the man!” – Mark Gatiss
Freema and John weren’t the only ex-companions to congratulate the leading man. Katy Manning “couldn’t be happier” and Karen Gillan also thinks he’s a “superb choice”. Sixth Doctor Colin Baker suggested it’s “nice to have a more mature Doctor” while John Hurt, who’ll play the Doctor in the 50th anniversary special, said he is “splendid”. Peter is “a spectacular talent and a beautiful man” posted Craig Ferguson, and the Great Intelligence himself, that’s actor Richard E Grant, sent a big “Bravo!” to the BBC.
“Delighted to hear Peter Capaldi is the new Doctor, very good choice. Another Scot eh?” – Colin Baker
And WhovianNet’s own mentions were instantaneously bombarded with reactions. “I was happy when they revealed him,” @WolfieKun wrote. “He had a presence as soon as he started talking.” @The_Windymiller notes it is “great to see an older actor in the role” as @BuffySFMax was won over by “the intelligence in his eyes”. @WhovianSnaps has foretold that Peter’s portrayal of the iconic Time Lord is set to “surprise a lot of people”…
So that is just a mere snippet of what people are saying but with Peter Capaldi still a hot trending topic it looks like there is plenty to be said yet – don’t forget to vote in our poll!
I was surprised to see Rikki Simons (artist and voice actor for GIR on Invader Zim) tweeting about it. x3
He made some pretty funny comments in favour of Capaldi, denouncing all the plastic-faced bints who’re saying he’s too old.