The Light at the End released early, available now!

October 23rd, 2013
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

Big Finish’s 50th anniversary multi-Doctor special The Light at the End was made available to download today, a month before its originally scheduled release!

Standard, Limited and Vinyl editions of the historic audio adventure have now been released digitally and so fans can enjoy the story much sooner than originally planned.

All physical copies of the release – which brings together the first 8 Doctors – will be dispatched over the coming weeks.

Its writer and director, Nick Briggs, said: “With the anniversary of Doctor Who imminent, and everybody champing at the bit for the celebrations to begin, we thought it only right and proper our special anniversary full cast audio should be released a tiny bit earlier…”

November 23rd 1963 proves to be a significant day in the lives of all eight Doctors…

It’s the day that Bob Dovie’s life is ripped apart…

It’s also a day that sets in motion a catastrophic chain of events which forces the first eight incarnations of the Doctor to fight for their very existence. As a mysterious, insidious chaos unfolds within the TARDIS, the barriers of time break apart…

From suburban England through war-torn alien landscapes and into a deadly, artificial dimension, all these Doctors and their companions must struggle against the power of an unfathomable, alien technology.

From the very beginning, it is clear that the Master is somehow involved. By the end, for the Doctors, there may only be darkness.

Listen to the trailer for The Light at the End below. Will you be downloading the story?

Share your 50th anniversary hopes and dreams in our dedicated discussion…

2 comments on this article
  1. Grace
    October 23rd, 2013 at 10.58pm | #1

    I will be download ing ! Dr who oo , whu oo!

  2. Steve
    October 25th, 2013 at 7.23am | #2

    This is an excellent adventure. Well written. Intensive. Fun and Dangerous – What Doctor Who should be…….

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