Filming wraps on Christmas Special

October 5th, 2014
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Filming has now wrapped on this year’s Doctor Who Christmas Special with various members of its cast and crew taking to social media to mark the occasion.

Jenna Coleman, who plays companion Clara Oswald, shared a festive picture – here – with her Instagram followers as one of the episode’s guest stars, Nick Frost, tweeted to say he “loved every second” of filming the yuletide adventure. Paul Wilsmhurst, who directed the special, also summarised his “lovely experience” in 140 characters, posting: “Fab crew, fab cast, fab script, fab sets. Thanks everyone!”

The episode, written by Steven Moffat, is expected to premiere on BBC One on Christmas Day and the end of its filming also means that production on Peter Capaldi’s first series of the Twelfth Doctor is also completed. Filming commenced in Cardiff on 7th January 2014.

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