Archive for ‘1. Deep Breath’
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Neve McIntosh has discussed the possibility of starring in her own Doctor Who spin off in an interview with The Mary Sue.
The actress has become a firm fan favourite for her portrayal of Madame Vastra who was first introduced in the mid-Series 6 finale A Good Man Goes to War. Since then she has made several returns alongside her on screen wife Jenny Flint and their associate Commander Strax. Their ongoing liaisons with the Doctor have led to fans campaigning for them to land a show of their own. “Every fan I meet asks about that,” she said. “I would love it.”
She continued: “Or maybe a one-off TV special, or we could just go straight to the movie! I think I need to corner Mr Steven Moffat. We’ll see what happens, though. You never know.”
She also commented on her character’s controversial kiss in Deep Breath which sparked a flurry of complaints. The scene was even cut from some international broadcasts. “I had no idea it would be such a big deal,” she admitted. “Yes, it was a kiss, but I was also breathing life into her. I hope that people can come around and realise that a wife can kiss her wife.”
Would you be interested to see a spin off with the Paternoster Gang? Have your say below!
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The Twelfth Doctor’s debut adventure Deep Breath has made its way on to DVD and Blu-ray in the UK today.
You can now relive the feature-length episode on this special release which comes with over half an hour of bonus features, including the Doctor Who Live special in which Peter Capaldi was unveiled to the world as the Doctor.
The DVD and Blu-ray is available now from various outlets. The complete Series 8 boxset will be released on 17th November 2014.

Browse the latest Doctor Who products on sale now in our merchandise section…
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We’re now three weeks into the brand new series so here’s our round up of all the action, and then some, so far. We’ve seen droids, Daleks and duels and it’s safe to say that the brand new era in the TARDIS has kicked off with a bang…
The timey-wimey drama recommenced in Deep Breath when we were finally introduced to Peter Capaldi as the Twelfth Doctor in his first full – and feature – length adventure. He swung into action in Victorian London where a dinosaur was rampant in the Thames and a spate of deadly combustions led our heroes to the heart of an alien conspiracy. We were also reunited with Vastra, Jenny and Strax who were on hand to support Clara as she adjusted to her best friend’s new face. We think she handled the situation very well, and it all came down to a cup of coffee and a phone call from an old friend. The new Doctor had arrived!
Next up in Episode 2, the Doctor went where he’s never gone before as he journeyed Into the Dalek on a dangerous mission which forced him to examine his conscience. Faced with a decision that would change the fate of his greatest enemy forever, he proved that there is such a thing as a good Dalek after all – who knew!? This episode also featured the debut of Danny Pink, Clara’s new colleague who we’ve been told has a dark secret from his past…
Last night it was third time lucky for Clara who finally met one of her lifelong heroes, Robin Hood. In a sun-dappled forest, the Doctor was forced to strike up an unlikely alliance with the iconic outlaw in order to save the whole of Nottingham from the Robot of Sherwood.
And it wouldn’t be Doctor Who without an ongoing mystery and there’s already a rather intriguing one developing. In the first two episodes we were taken to ‘heaven’ where we met the Gatekeeper of the Nethersphere – otherwise known as ‘Missy’. But who is she and just what awaits the Doctor on the other side? Share your theories in our discussion here!

So, 3 episodes down, 9 to go! How’s Peter Capaldi’s debut series shaping up for you thus far? Are you pleased with our new fiercer Doctor and the darker direction the show seems to be going in? Have your say and don’t miss our individual Discussions for each episode.
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The final UK ratings for the Series 8 premiere Deep Breath have been revealed as 9.17 million viewers.
The figure is considerably higher than the initial overnight as it also accounts for those who watched the episode within a week of its original transmission on BBC One.
As far as new series premieres go, it’s the third most watched since Rose and it is also the highest rated episode since The Eleventh Hour, excluding the Christmas specials which generally rate higher than the main series.
Congratulations to the Doctor Who team for a brilliant reaction to the opening episode, and also well done for breaking records on BBC America with it! The Twelfth Doctor is in…
New series, new Doctor, new adventures. Click here for all the latest on Series 8!
Last weekend we welcomed the Twelfth Doctor to our screens as Whovians across the globe gathered for a Deep Breath.
We invited our Twitter followers to send us pictures of their new series festivities and were once again blown away by the response. It’s great to see Whovians being so passionate about the show and it’s even greater to see that our enthusiasm and love for the Doctor is shared by fans all around the world. Thanks to everyone who contributed – check out our favourites of the bunch below!
Ready to take another Deep Breath? Click here to discuss the Series 8 premiere…
Above – @DrErinGallagher and her friends welcomed the Doctor in style in Oregon, USA!

Above – Meanwhile, @wolfemama2503 had the makings for a perfect Whovian evening…

Above - @Becca11190927 was ready to meet the Doctor… And she had a Fez to prove it!

Above – The Twelfth Doctor fever swept across the UK, too. Loving the scarf, @elarastar!

Above – @hellosweety26 and her son had this on stand by to exterminate any talkers…

Above – @sophiaperida made cupcakes to mark the occasion! Did you save one for us!?

Above – We hope it’s bigger on the inside… Great effort, @29maxNIN. Congratulations!
New series, new Doctor, new adventures. Click here for the latest on Series 8!
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Thanks to everyone who voted in our Week 1 poll! The results are as follows…
Did the Doctor kill the Half-Face Man?
No. (62.1%)
Yes. (37.9%)
Feel free to discuss the outcome in the comments below. The new series continues tomorrow in Into the Dalek.
Ready to take another Deep Breath? Click here to discuss the Series 8 premiere…
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Doctor Who continues to break records on BBC America with Deep Breath becoming the channel’s most watched season premiere to date.
The feature-length episode, which was the first full adventure to star Peter Capaldi as the Twelfth Doctor, was watched by a total audience of 2.58 million in the US.
Doctor Who was the highest rated cable show during its broadcast and it was also the most talked about programme across US social media sites.
Meanwhile, 408,000 people tuned in for ‘After Who Live’ which aired after the premiere.
Ready to take another Deep Breath? Click here to discuss the Series 8 premiere…
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A peak of 7 million people tuned in for Deep Breath last night and it seems that every single one of them has got something to say about the arrival of the Twelfth Doctor. Here’s our round up of some of the reactions so far!
The press (links may contain spoilers)
The Guardian have kick started the proceedings by saying that Peter’s debut provided fans with “everything we could have hoped for” and the Telegraph agreed that our new Doctor “crackled with fierce intelligence and nervous energy”.
Elsewhere, the Independent drew attention to the episode’s “dazzling” cinematography which they add was complemented by Ben Wheatley’s “superb direction”, while the Metro described the feature-length premiere as “an assured debut which reset the show with a distinctly darker tone”. They are full of praise for the Time Lord’s “terrific comic timing” over at the Express, however the positive vibes aren’t shared by Entertainment Weekly who have suggested that “parts of the premiere were snoozy”. “Capaldi is brilliant” according to the Radio Times, though, and the Mirror have summarised: “If you watched Deep Breath and you don’t want to watch the rest of Series 8, then there truly is something wrong with you. Indeed, you may need help from a Doctor…”.
The fans
As soon as the end credits rolled, the internet was ablaze with comments from fans who were eager to add their verdicts to the tidal wave of reactions. @StephanieN98 tweeted us to say that Deep Breath was “a great start to the new Doctor” and her sentiments were shared by @CharLeach24x who revealed: “Peter Capaldi was as fabulous as I expected him to be”. Meanwhile, @smokes_dagen got in touch to let us know that he’d already become “enthralled with Capaldi’s Doctor”.
And the conversation continued in our episode discussion as Joshrr described it as “one of the best season premieres in the show’s history”. Maisie Moore was less impressed, comparing her viewing experience to “like watching tome travelling paint dry”…
Thanks everyone for your views! Keep ‘em coming in the comments or tweet us @WhovianNet.
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Deep Breath was watched by an audience of 6.8 million viewers on BBC One last night, according to the overnight figures.
The feature-length Series 8 premiere, which was the first full adventure to star Peter Capaldi as the Twelfth Doctor, had a 32.5% share of the total television audience making Doctor Who the most watched programme of the night.
The audience share reached a peak of 7 million. The final figure will include those who watch it within the next week.
Ready to take another Deep Breath? Click here to discuss the Series 8 premiere…
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When the Doctor arrives in Victorian London, he finds a dinosaur rampant in the Thames and a spate of deadly spontaneous combustions. Who is the new Doctor and will Clara’s friendship survive as they embark on a terrifying mission into the heart of an alien conspiracy? The Doctor has changed. It’s time you knew him.
It only feels like yesterday that Whovians around the world were gathered for the reveal of Peter Capaldi as the Twelfth Doctor, and in true Doctor Who fashion, time really has flown because his first full-length adventure has just premiered on our screens. Aaaand breathe…
When Matt Smith handed over his keys to the TARDIS last Christmas, we were left with unanswered questions about memory less and kidneys as the TARDIS braced itself for a crash landing. Today we discovered that it ended up in Victorian London (of all places!), where there just so happened to be a dinosaur running rampant in the Thames and a spate of deadly spontaneous combustions – just another day in the office for our Time Lord then!
There was to be no rest for the wicked as the Doctor found himself caught up in the middle of an alien conspiracy (we know, that’s so unlike him…), but luckily he had his best friend Clara Oswald to lend a helping hand. While the impossible girl tried to get to grips with the new Doctor, Madame Vastra, Jenny Flint and Strax also returned to aid our heroes as a half-faced terror hid in the shadows. So what did you make of the feature-length premiere?
It was out with the old and in with the new and if you’re looking for somewhere to spill all your thoughts and feelings, you’ve come to the right place! Head to the comments below to discuss tonight’s episode and keep refreshing to stay on top of the conversation. There’s lots to be said about Deep Breathe and only one place to say it… So happy discussing folks!
NOTE: This discussion will NOT be spoiler monitored so please do not read the comments if you haven’t seen Deep Breath. You have been warned!