DWM 448, out this Thursday – see the cover now!

May 29th, 2012

The new Doctor Who Magazine is out on Thursday!

Inside Issue 448, there is an exclusive interview with William Russell, the actor who played the First Doctor’s companion, Ian Chesterton, in the 1960s.

The magazine also chats to Neil Gaiman about his acclaimed Series 6 episode, The Doctor’s Wife, and Steven Moffat spills the beans on Karen Gillan and Arthur Darvill’s last day on Doctor Who. Tissues at the ready!

All of that, plus the latest on Series 7, as well as a free downloadable audio adventure…

Doctor Who Magazine 448 is published on Thursday 31st May priced £4.50. Don’t miss it!

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3 comments on this article
  1. TWWL
    May 29th, 2012 at 1.56pm | #1

    That’s rather nice. It’s great the magazine still puts pictures from the classic run on its cover.

  2. Steve
    May 31st, 2012 at 9.38am | #2

    @TWWL Why because SM is the only way forward?! You really are becoming a narrow viewed person! Perhaps people who buy this because of it’s Classic Cover are, how did SM put and you appear to agree with him “Fairly Stupid”

    William Russell is iconic as a Doctor Who companion, who deserves a lot more credit than he gets. In fact of the First Doctor companions, the only character I would rate better is Barbara played by the incredible, very much missed, Jacqueline Hill.
    What an incredible Cover. It is a credit to William Russell that he loves Doctor Who enough to keep going back to the rule 50 years later.

  3. TWWL
    May 31st, 2012 at 1.50pm | #3


    It’s nice they carry on pushing the original run on the front cover because you couldn’t really fault them for just sticking to pictures of modern Who on the front to pull in as many readers as possible; but they don’t, they continue to put classic pictures on the front too. Just like they should do.

    I don’t think Moffat is the only way forward, there will be someone after him, just like there always is, but he IS the current way forward, because he’s currently in charge. Whether you like that or not.

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