Series 7 opening ep screening details, plus TITLE!

June 25th, 2012
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

Series 7’s opening episode has been named as Asylum of the Daleks!

The title was confirmed today by the BFI, who’ll be hosting a showing of the episode on 14th August at 6pm.

This comes as more evidence that the Doctor will be back on TV in August – at the end of the month the episode will be screened at the International Television Festival, where Steven Moffat will also be giving a masterclass.

The episode will feature “every Dalek ever” and Steven Moffat’s warned us that this time they’ll be “worse than ever”. Yikes! What do you make of its title? Let us know…

Tickets for the BFI screening will officially go on sale at 11:30am on 10th July!

WATCH the Series 7 trailer for a preview of the Doctor’s Wild West adventure!

See the latest Series 7 headlines to discuss all the developments as and when…

Thanks to JC for letting us know!

7 comments on this article
  1. TE
    June 25th, 2012 at 7.00pm | #1

    A fantastic, mysterious title, especially when the episode will contain a plethora of Daleks.

  2. Mike Humphreys
    June 25th, 2012 at 7.08pm | #2

    Love the title!

  3. TWWL
    June 25th, 2012 at 7.42pm | #3

    Interesting title! I’m assuming it means Asylum as in insane asylum, but there is of course the other meaning. Really looking forward to a Moffat written Dalek story at last.

  4. Mia
    June 25th, 2012 at 7.50pm | #4

    I like the title, the episode should be very exciting! I have heard rumours that the Doctor will be back on BBC on 25th August, but I don’t think it’s confirmed yet.

  5. shawn
    June 26th, 2012 at 9.03am | #5

    i cant wait it sounds so great it sounds a bit batman with the asylum lol

  6. Soph
    June 28th, 2012 at 7.49am | #6

    I think the title’s great! Hopefully the episode will be great too.

  7. Calli Arcale
    June 29th, 2012 at 3.42am | #7

    Very intriguing title!

    The idea of a planet full of insane Daleks is interesting. What sort of Dalek could be so crazy that even *Daleks* want to shut it away rather than just exterminating it?

    Alternately, the older meaning of “asylum” is a bit like sanctuary. Seeking asylum, seeking a place where you can be protected from whatever horror you’ve fled; all surviving Daleks are, like the Doctor, essentially refugees. Might this be a world populated by Daleks who *defected*? A Dalek defector is an intriguing idea. As if perhaps even outside individuals such as the Cult of Skaro or the Emperor, they are not as uniform as they want us to believe.

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