Paul McGann says he’s had “no invites” to return

July 3rd, 2012
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Paul McGann recently revealed that he’s had “no invites” to return to Doctor Who for its 50th anniversary in 2013.

The actor – who played the Eighth Doctor in the TV movie in 1996 – admitted to being as in the dark as everyone else as to whether or not there’s a plan to bring him back during the landmark year. “I know it’s imminent, but no,” he explained. “There has been no sounding out taking place, but maybe it will happen. We don’t know.” In a previous interview he has said he’d “love to” reappear as part of the celebrations.

He went on to say that the series is “in safe hands” with Matt Smith in the title role. He commented: “The kid’s obviously brilliant. He’s a really, really good choice to take it on.”

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9 comments on this article
  1. Steve
    July 3rd, 2012 at 10.50pm | #1

    I am hopeful that Big Finish will do a story fit for the 50th year of Doctor Who!!!

  2. Profzed
    July 4th, 2012 at 1.41am | #2

    Very disheartening to read. One would think the ball would have been rolling on this by now. Perhaps there’s still time. I’m still hoping to see the 8th Doctor again. Along with the Doctor, the Doctor, the Doctor, the Doctor, the Doctor, the Doctor, the Doctor, the Doctor, the Doctor and of course, the Doctor!

  3. Peyton Seals
    July 4th, 2012 at 3.18am | #3

    I really hope they bring him in for the special, he would definitely bring a different personality and quirk to it that newer fans don’t know yet. Or maybe at least some closure on WHAT HAPPENED TO THE 8TH DOCTOR!?

  4. Borusa
    July 4th, 2012 at 6.20am | #4

    We are just under 15 months away from the anniversary and they probably won’t start filming for another 9-12 months, so there’s still plenty of time. There is the opposite of course and that McGann has been asked to return, but told to say if he has or will return.

    We don’t know what’s happening yet, so I wouldn’t worry until everything has been announced. Just because we don’t know anything doesn”t mean it won’t happen, and judging by what we do know with Series Seven it does seem we’re on our way to a big year in 2013.

  5. Tom Versey
    July 4th, 2012 at 12.53pm | #5

    I really wouldn’t mind his return! I was only a year old when the TV Movie aired so I’d like to see him come back! As Borusa said, they haven’t filmed yet and won’t for a little while for the 50th so he might still get a phone call from them with an offer.

  6. JC
    July 4th, 2012 at 4.25pm | #6

    If it’s true, it would be a great shame because the amount of potential, but then, how do you handle the Doctor who fought on the front lines of, and ended, the Last Great Time War?

    There’s unlikely to be a better chance to see the 8th Doctor again than in the 50th anniversary. If Moffat doesn’t take advantage of that, then as RTD has said before, we may never see the Last Great Time War on screen.

  7. Borusa
    July 4th, 2012 at 5.18pm | #7

    It’s generally implied that the Time War happened towards the end of the Eighth Doctor’s life, hence why in ‘Rose’ the Doctor makes a comments about his appearance in the mirror and throughout Series One the Ninth Doctor feels a lot of guilt on his shoulders. If Paul McGann does appear it’ll probably be from before the Time War, so it’s easy to get around it.

    Tbh though I wouldn’t want to see the Time War, some things are best left in the imagination, like when the Doctor fled Gallifrey, if we saw that it would spoil everything the show is about. Maybe we could see a few fleeting flashbacks, but nothing substantial, because with the budget Doctor Who has they wouldn’t be able to realize the war properly, you’d need a Hollywood budget to do that.

    Reading the full interview though I’m amazed McGann hasn’t seen any of the New Series, especially when Davison, C Baker and McCoy have all expressed their love for it.

  8. Rob
    July 4th, 2012 at 11.05pm | #8

    if he doesn’t return for the 50th anniversary then thats just sad simply because the man has only ever had 1 on-screen story and that was pretty unfair so they should at least ask him to come back so he has another on-screen story to be in :)

  9. JC
    July 5th, 2012 at 12.09pm | #9

    Of course and I hear what you’re saying, it’s just frustrating that you know what the 8th Doctor did towards the end of his life, you know he did things that earnt him the nickname of “the oncoming storm”, you know he did things that made the Daleks fear him and he destroyed Gallifrey and the Time Lords to end the war.

    Steven Moffat is moving away from it and as you say, they won’t have the budget to fully realise the devastation of the Time War.

    Now the Doctor has seeminglyrecovered, it’s like it never happened.

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