Cast, crew discuss Amy, Rory’s exit, Jenna’s debut

August 17th, 2012
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Digital Spy spoke to the Doctor Who cast and crew at the Series 7 premiere screening (see a round up of it here).

The hot topics of conversation were Amy and Rory’s exit in The Angels Take Manhattan, as well as the introduction of Jenna-Louise Coleman as the new companion.

“I’ll take away two of the most important friendships I think I’ll ever make,” Karen Gillan said of co-stars Matt Smith and Arthur Darvill as she looked back on her TARDIS tenure.

“I’ll miss running away from monsters on a daily basis,” she added. “It is the most fun!”

Arthur, meanwhile, likened the experience of reading his final scenes to “getting the last chapter of the best book you’ve ever read”. “I was completely surprised and satisfied by the ending,” he explained. “To play a character for this long, that has evolved so much, has been a challenge. Doctor Who will outlive us all – I’m proud to have been part of it.”

Unsurprisingly Steven Moffat kept his lips tightly sealed when pressed on Jenna’s debut in this year’s “magic” Christmas Special although he did say that the actress brings a new “speed” to the series. “She has a wit and this sort of unimpressedness,” he teased. “She has the Doctor dancing a little harder than he’s used to!” See the interviews below:

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